Hi I'm Quinn. I'm 22 and I'm looking for a group of at least four players that want to make a fun and fulfilling story with each other. My style is pretty player driven, which means the session moves as fast as you all interact with the game. I'm open to creating a homebrew game if that's a preferred consensus that the players come to, but I am currently planning on running interconnected written modules with my own flavor added to the pot. If you're looking for a game where everything on your character sheet matters, and your decisions create meaningful outcomes, leave me a message here.  In your reply I'd prefer seeing at least how long you've played 5E, what you enjoy most in a game of D&D 5E, what your favorite class is (if you have one), and why ? Also drop me your discord username so we can communicate on there, as well as your preferred pronouns , gender (if comfortable ) , and age . We will use D&DBeyond for character sheets, Roll20 for maps and dice rolling, and Discord for communication. Details on session time will be worked out in the future. Please not that I am not available earlier than 4:30pm during the week, and will be unable to host weekend sessions. Lastly I plan on hosting one session a week, no longer than 3 hours. Payment will be discussed in private messages. I hope to hear from all of you aspiring D&D players, and if this game doesn't sound like your cup of tea I wish you a hasty search in finding your fit! Thanks!