So I want to preface this and say I do have an idea of how RNG works on computers which is why I'm suggesting this. It is completely possible to roll a bunch of 1s in a row which can and will happen especially with truly random results. I'm fine with that and I know it happens. It just seems to happen less often at a table top session with real dice, but maybe that's just my own perceptual bias or balance of the dice. I'd like to propose an option to add weighted dice to the game to bias the rolls to be a bit higher, like for instance how Baldur's Gate 3 has. Perhaps this could be a slider to control how much you want to bias the rolls to be higher. This should default to only players and not the GMs rolls. In addition there might be a checkbox for the storyteller/GM/DM to bias not just the players rolls but their own to be a bit higher. I'd recommend this option require it also be turned on for the players to prevent a possibly biased GM from screwing over the players or one individual player over the rest of the group. It might also be a good idea to to make this option require everyone to reload in to prevent it from being toggled on and off by a biased GM easily. Or perhaps it could take X amount of time to change the toggle to prevent a biased GM from giving only some players good rolls. It should definitely be setup so the GM can't bias just their own rolls or the rolls of certain players to be better without warning. Maybe there could be an option to only bias it for certain players, essentially to give new players an easy mode, but that would require some level of warning in the UI so players are aware it's not a level playing field. A third option might allow the GM to bias their own rolls to be lower to provide a less dangerous environment for the PCs.