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New Roll20 Keeper needs help

I ran this years ago (2nd edition) and have recently repurchased all the books, then all the roll20 sets needed, and finally Dungeon Draft to make my own because what I find is mostly roll20 geared for D&D. I am basically homebrewing my setup and tailoring it to my specifics.  My setup will mostly be Cultists fighting the investigators and maybe some monsters at some point. What/where do I get scripts for a group initiative for all? players and NPCS? What else could you suggest to cut corners on time for the campaign ? My current D&D we have 2 "D&D Lawyers" that have a tendency to slow down our game and once it finally kicks back up- I have hit complete boredom. I don't want that to happen to us. Where do I get scripts for CoC games that can apply ? I have a couple aoe casters to start with an would need something for determining radius/damage to many foes at once.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Hi Gods D.! I can't speak directly to CoC, since it's not a game I play. There are about half a dozen free CoC modules available, some converted by Chaosium, and I think one by Roll20. You might try creating some scratch games with those to see if you can pick up any shortcuts or tips from them. Unfortunately, to actually use a script (programming code, instead of macros, which are basically glorified dice rolls), you need a Pro subscription. Looking at the github repository, I don't see any contributions that are CoC-specific, though Group Init should be able to handle most group initiative rolls. Lots of scripts are generic and very useful for building  Chat Menus  and tools: Token-Mod, ChatSetAttr, Supernotes, Scriptcards and so forth.
I have a pro sub. (annual) I am still setting up my NPC tokens. Is there a way around to having all NPCS be default automatically load up their Health, MagicPoints, and Sanity in their bars rather than me doing all of this manually ? This is getting to be a pain.
Sheet Author
Gods D. said: I have a pro sub. (annual) I am still setting up my NPC tokens. Is there a way around to having all NPCS be default automatically load up their Health, MagicPoints, and Sanity in their bars rather than me doing all of this manually ? This is getting to be a pain. The label by your account name says you have a plus subscription.  One of the differences between plus and pro is access do mods (api scripts).  You can automate a lot of token related things by way of TokenMod, but that requires a pro subscription.
Gods D. said: I have a pro sub. (annual) I am still setting up my NPC tokens. Is there a way around to having all NPCS be default automatically load up their Health, MagicPoints, and Sanity in their bars rather than me doing all of this manually ? This is getting to be a pain. I'm not super familiar with CoC, but I do have the starter kit so I can see that in the game settings you can set that up in the character sheet defaults.  Is that what you're after?

Edited 1671835279
Yes, I would like it so when I add a new NPC or w/e that it will automatically have Health points, Magic and Sanity as my 3 bars over the NPCs heads. For monsters, I was hoping there would be a monster quickie sheet to drop them in but apparently not.
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
You can set that up for games that have a drag and drop compendium, But for brand-new, manually created characters, it must be assigned manually, or through a script (typically Token-mod). The CoC sheet by Roll20 typically has bar 1 set to receive "hitpoints_max" as its value. If you drag a monster from the compendium, the bar should populate. If it does not, it might be that the game does not "realize that is the setting. To fix this, go into campaign settings (out of game), set the value to anything else, save settings, then set the value back to  " hitpoints_max". Save again. Load your game, go to "Miscellaneous" in the in-game setings tab and choose "Apply default settings". You should see the bar one reassignment there. Tell it to apply settings and wait for the narrow, easy-to-miss progress bar to complete. New compendium drops should have HP values inserted automatically. There are other settings on the campaign settings page you may want to set defaults for, such as show nameplate, or whisper rolls to Keeper. Remember, though, that for homebrew stuff, or for PCs, you still have to set the token settings that deal with sheet values manually.
Is this why my tokens reset after each time I log in/out of roll20 ?

Edited 1671851957
My Token bars reset no matter how many times I "save" after editing them. Will that fix this as well? Everything resets. Its like the word "save" is useless.
Forum Champion
As stated in the other thread, m y guess is you did not save the token to the character. Make sure you hit "Update Default Token" when you are editing the token directly.
I have filled out those 3 fields more times today than I care to admit. I have saved. When I reopen this is what I get for each piece. If I wouldnt have dumped so much money into roll20 up front I would be looking for another system. The representation of the character got wiped and attributes on one. The other one it kept the names but wiped the attributes. 
Gauss- Would it be easier once I Update and then save a token to delete all my older ones. Then do a copy/paste of the fixed one or will I still have to do this for all no matter what since its homebrew.

Edited 1671854502
Forum Champion
Gods D. said: Gauss- Would it be easier once I Update and then save a token to delete all my older ones. Then do a copy/paste of the fixed one or will I still have to do this for all no matter what since its homebrew. You do not need to delete all of your older tokens, you can edit the character and force an update to all of the tokens via "Apply Token Defaults".  The process for updating tokens is like this:  1) Click on token, click the cog to edit the token 2) Make any changes 3) Click "Update Default Token" <---- THIS is the important step here, Save doesn't push the changes to the character, it only saves the specific token you are working on.  If you want to push those changes to any tokens which are linked to that character then you do these additonal steps:  4) Open the character 5) Click "Edit" 6) Click "Apply Token Defaults"  7) Click "Ok" If you are still having difficulty please let us know.  One other thing, how are you creating tokens?

Edited 1671861454
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
That looks correct to me for a Token setup as MOOKS (as the documentation used to say).&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1671995541
That did it. Thanks! My next order of business is: how to implement the dodge ability as a check vs melee or ranged attacks for PCs and NPCs ? (I am going to attempt to run a Call of Cthulhu game) I will have limited time and don't want to eat up alot of it with syntax errors or having to do the research at that moment. how do I make mini macro tables for rolling damage and such on my screen for NPCs rather than having 20 windows open at one time and trying to shuffle thru them for magic points, health, dodge/attack rolls?

Edited 1671998924
I looked at the links provided and that's just jibberish to me at this point. Most of the examples are for D&amp;D and I am not playing D&amp;D. I need a frame work of sorts to understand/figure out what I need or how I need it with Call of Cthulhu. Once I go into learning one thing, it mentions something else I should have already done and so on and so on. After awhile you lose sight of where your starting point is located and lose track of what needs to come first. I am going to upgrade to pro. Maybe that will help me with API Scripts. thoughts?
API Scripter
To your last point, yes... to do scripts you will need the Pro level of subscription. That said, you can do a check simply by referring to the appropriate attribute (no scripts required). You can agnosticize it by using the @{select...} and @{target...} syntax, and do most everything else (like asking for a modifier) with a roll query. As far as trying to not have 20 windows open, once you have those macros built, you can put the more commonly used macros in your macro bar as buttons... and/or you could do a chat menu to present you with the appropriate options at the right time. But maybe the best place to start, if the instructions you've read so far aren't clear enough, is to have you give an example of one of the checks you want to set up. What is the game mechanic you need to replicate in the VTT? If someone can demonstrate how to do that, maybe the rest will start to make sense...?

Edited 1672184420
Fair enough. What I would like to do is : have it so when I have a melee attack in Call of Cthulhu (and ranged) I click on the token I want to hit, it then rolls my to hit and their dodge (if that token is highlighted). This way the combat may seem more realistic with parry/dodge while in combat for the PCs for melee. As it stands now, I will roll, it will say success/failure then I will have to do the same for their dodge. I don't want to bog it down doing all these rolls if possible. To flavor up the story there will be alot of NPCs taking damage while the bad guys are trying to reach their objective. This will give the main protagonists an attempt to save the day. This seems more realistic to me than there are 8 guys and they are only worried about the 4 teammates and the bad guys mysteriously know where the good guys are kind of thing. My personal work around with some of this is have in each encounter a victory condition that I don't tell the investigators. If they can do that then they effectively "win". In Cthulhu its not always about killing the enemy but more about preventing it from doing "x" or outright fleeing. My other idea would be have it so when I'm in combat and its an AoE spell and I click where it is going and it calculates the blast radius, that all tokens in that area take damage. Thus I minimize my need to track down each piece and adjust constantly. If that's possible.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
For the hit and dodge, that sounds like something that might be possible with a simple macro (I don't play the system, so I can't answer more fully than that). "selected" and "target" are keywords that can help you read values off of a token or character. As for the damage, you want to look at the script "Group Check" and the companion script "Apply Damage". Group check is available from One Click. Apply Damage can be found here . Again, it might require someone familiar with the sheet for more specific help.
Is there a better sheet for creating monsters or NPCS ? It is a bit of a burden to constantly have to go thru all the info to make a "new PC" up for a monster which has similar but different setup. Thanks for the help.
Forum Champion
Gods D. said: Is there a better sheet for creating monsters or NPCS ? It is a bit of a burden to constantly have to go thru all the info to make a "new PC" up for a monster which has similar but different setup. Thanks for the help. You could try making a baseline NPC, then duplicate it and change numbers as necessary.&nbsp;
Well, the sheets are a bit annoying in regards to when you key in an entry, you have to completely remove the old entry, click in the box again, enter your numbers. It should be when in edit mode, you key in a number and it just goes with it and overwrites anything in the current setup or adds the additional skill bonuses as needed. The sheet is meh but its all I've got to work with until I can find something better, if its out there.