I would love to see the one roll engine get to a table again. Me and a couple of friends have spoken about both Monsters and other Childish Things as well as Wild Talents. Engine Heart is also cool, but you said you're trash at running hard scifi and it is hardish scifi. All of these are reasonably tiny communities from what I can tell. I don't know that any of those have a strong enough community behind them to be a money maker for you. Chronicles of Darkness, especially as you open it up to more of the books, can likely find you players as they have a thriving community but two of their products (werewolf and vampire) seem to see a lot more play than their others. This means those others tend to be really keen to find GMs and there is a large base to draw from. It has proven to be a good market for at least one server I'm on. I would also love to see Scion 1e, Lords of Gossamer and Shadow, and BESM more often, but I have had several attempts to get them running die due to lack of players at any one time. I am sure that a market exists. The trick is getting enough of that market aware of your game and on the same schedule. These communities don't seem to be thriving as much as enjoying fine root stock with the ability to sprout when conditions are right. I think you're going to find that a lot of the success depends on luck finding the right group. You can have a game known by millions of people and find yourself entirely unable to get a table together because while the players exist they just can't find each other. You can have a thriving community, but getting a table to survive becomes an issue. On the other hand, you can find a game whose community consists of maybe 30 people in the world, but because they all how to get ahold of each other, they can get a game together pretty quickly if they want.