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Why Always Hitting Armour Class Zero...

For the D20 Slaine Role-Playing-Game of Celtic Heroes, I have chosen to use the Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Edition character sheets used here.  It sort of fits, , although a lot of stuff needs to be written into the boxes supplied. Now, I'm close to completing working out all the kinks in this process on a display character I made. I called her Crimora Bloodeye. She is either wielding one or two iron short swords, or Iron-Warspear and Razor-Edged Growling shield. I believe the descriptive names of weapons and shields are in-material to my problem that she always hits armour class of zero when I roll (Press the to hit dice tab on the character sheets.) the dice on that character sheet. I also think it's not related to the fact that I'm using the D&D 3.5 edition character sheet for something in D20. Here is a picture of my problem below...
BTW, her strength and dexterity are both 18...
Manny L.
Marketplace Creator
Hi Can you please hover over the number 0 and show the detailed popout for the dice roll? There's clearly a problem with either the macro of the way you've setup your sheet as this sheet does work well, I use it all the time. Here's an example of one I just made with Str 18, Dex 18 and nothing else typed in yet:
Had to use my hand held camera to get that done... Cause ShareX is hard to use when you trying to hover the mouse pointer over something else...

Edited 1672663404
It does look like the second one (for Short-Sword instead of War-Spear...) has > 1920 + for the critical chance instead of > 19-20 + . Could you verify that for me as well? Not sure how to fix it myself...
Manny L.
Marketplace Creator
Ok so first, make sure to type in the BAB as 22, not +22 (I can see it is showing ++ in the popup). To fix the crit, click into the threat range box on the weapon, delete everything in that box (CTRL+A, del) and type in : 19 Give that a whirl and see how you get on.

Edited 1672664416
Manny L. said: Hi Can you please hover over the number 0 and show the detailed popout for the dice roll? There's clearly a problem with either the macro of the way you've setup your sheet as this sheet does work well, I use it all the time. Here's an example of one I just made with Str 18, Dex 18 and nothing else typed in yet: I haven't messed with any of the macros at all.
Manny L. said: Ok so first, make sure to type in the BAB as 22, not +22 (I can see it is showing ++ in the popup). To fix the crit, click into the threat range box on the weapon, delete everything in that box (CTRL+A, del) and type in : 19 Give that a whirl and see how you get on. Thanks, trying that now... 
Manny L. said: Ok so first, make sure to type in the BAB as 22, not +22 (I can see it is showing ++ in the popup). To fix the crit, click into the threat range box on the weapon, delete everything in that box (CTRL+A, del) and type in : 19 Give that a whirl and see how you get on. Can you show me where I retype in the BAB exactly? I'm not too familiar with macros...
Is this what I need to co rrect, because it doesn't look how you described it exactly. BTW, I never alter these things....
Manny L.
Marketplace Creator
Ukko the Scribe said: Manny L. said: Ok so first, make sure to type in the BAB as 22, not +22 (I can see it is showing ++ in the popup). To fix the crit, click into the threat range box on the weapon, delete everything in that box (CTRL+A, del) and type in : 19 Give that a whirl and see how you get on. Can you show me where I retype in the BAB exactly? I'm not too familiar with macros... Sure thing, sorry I should have made it more clear in my original reply. Firstly, open the character sheet, select the "Character Sheet" tab then scroll down below the headers and click the "Stats" pane to select it: Now scroll down and you'll find BAB just below the saving throws section:
Done! I hope this fixes it.

Edited 1672665725
Manny L.
Marketplace Creator
Ukko the Scribe said: Manny L. said: Hi Can you please hover over the number 0 and show the detailed popout for the dice roll? There's clearly a problem with either the macro of the way you've setup your sheet as this sheet does work well, I use it all the time. Here's an example of one I just made with Str 18, Dex 18 and nothing else typed in yet: I haven't messed with any of the macros at all. For this bit I was looking at your threat range being "1920" where as it should read "19". You don't have to alter any macros or anything like that, no need to look at that stuff at all. Firstly, open the character sheet, select the "Character Sheet" tab then scroll down below the headers and click the "Weapons" pane to select it: Go to the weapon you want to edit and click into the threat range box: I believe this box has two values next to each other "1920" (the second value, 20, is hidden as the box only displays two digits). You will need to completely delete the contents of that box (e.g., CTRL+A then press the delete key) then you can type in "19" (by itself, no quotes!).

Edited 1672666018
Manny L. said: Ukko the Scribe said: Manny L. said: Hi Can you please hover over the number 0 and show the detailed popout for the dice roll? There's clearly a problem with either the macro of the way you've setup your sheet as this sheet does work well, I use it all the time. Here's an example of one I just made with Str 18, Dex 18 and nothing else typed in yet: I haven't messed with any of the macros at all. For this bit I was looking at your threat range being "1920" where as it should read "19". You don't have to alter an macros or anything like that, no need to look at that stuff at all. Firstly, open the character sheet, select the "Character Sheet" tab then scroll down below the headers and click the "Weapons" pane to select it: Go to the weapon you want to edit and click into the threat range box: I believe this box has two values next to each other "1920". You need to completely delete the contents of that box (CTRL+A, del) then you can type in "19". Done what you told me, it was easier to find. I think it's fixed now. However, how does this explain how she with a strength of only 18 is hitting well into the '30s (37) with a roll of just 11. The modifiers should only be 4.  
The full pop-up...
I see that adds up, correctly now, but where is 22 coming from?

Edited 1672667913
Manny L.
Marketplace Creator
You've entered 22 for the BAB value. BAB stands for Base Attack Bonus and is added to every weapon attack roll, hence the massive numbers you are seeing. I'm not familiar with Slaine, but if it's a d20 RPG then it should follow that each character class has a BAB progression table. For example, in DnD 3.5E, a Fighter at level 1 has a BAB of +1 (screenshot from here ): If Slaine is a D20 system it must use a similar concept. You simply need to find out the class of the character, lookup it's table then type in the correct BAB for the level. Perhaps you can give me an example so I can verify?
Yeah, I found those numbers....Since she is a 10th Level Witch -Taibhsear- multi-classed with, 10th level Tribal-Warrior also multi-classed into the 5th Level Prestige class of Fianna-Warrior. I read in the generic 3rd Edition Players Handbook (You may have read it yourself.) that multiclass characters add their BABs together, but once it reaches +6, you add another attack, and so on. I was under the impression this might be done automatically on the D&D 3.5 character sheet, but I could be wrong there....
BTW, she's most likely a illegal multiclass with all that!

Edited 1672669295
Manny L.
Marketplace Creator
Okay so yes you would add: level 10 Witch BAB: +7 level 10 Tribal Warrior: +10 level 5 Fianna Warrior: +5 This does indeed give you a BAB of +22. Again, I'm not familiar with the Slaine system but in DnD 3.5E BAB & classes cap off at character level 20 so you may need to refer to your rules around that for Slaine but that BAB does look like it's about right based on the tables you've shown. The additional attacks for high BAB are automatically calculated in the Roll20 DnD 3.5 sheet , but you have to click the "Full Attack" button for those to be output for you, and there's a bit of nuance around checking exactly how many attacks you should have in total that can involve having the edit the macro itself sometimes. For a BAB of +22 you would have an iterative attack sequence as follows with a Strength of 18 (+4): +26/+21/+16/+11 (NB: you only ever get a maximum of four iterative attacks per regular d20).
Okay thanks, but just one last thing that popped up in the pop-ups... Where does the -10 come from?

Edited 1672669586
Manny L.
Marketplace Creator
When making a full attack, every attack after the first one has a cumulative -5 penalty: 1st attack: regular attack bonus 2nd attack: -5 3rd attack: -10 4th attack: -15 So, if you look at my example: For a BAB of +22 you would have an iterative attack sequence as follows with a Strength of 18 (+4): +26/+21/+16/+11 (NB: you only ever get a maximum of four iterative attacks per regular d20). You will note that the first attack is at the full +26, then the second attack drops to +21 (due to the -5 penalty) and so forth.
oh, thanks. Is there a manual reset for that?
Manny L.
Marketplace Creator
Avangion said: oh, thanks. Is there a manual reset for that? If you're referring to how iterative attacks again a cumulative -5 penalty (as per the d20 system), the only way you'd be able to prevent that would be by manually editing the full attack macro to remove the penalties: /w gm &{template:DnD35Attack} {{pcflag=true}} {{name=@{character_name}}} {{subtags=attacks with a @{weapon1name} }} {{attack1=A1: [[ @{weapon1attackcalc} ]] }} {{critconfirm1=Crit?: [[ @{weapon1attackcalc} ]] }} {{fumbleroll=Fumble: [[ d20 ]] }} {{damage1=D1: [[ @{weapon1damage} ]] }} {{critdmg1=+ [[ @{weapon1crit} ]] }} {{fullattackflag= [[ d1 ]] }} {{attack2=A2: [[ @{weapon1attackcalc}-5 ]] }} {{critconfirm2=Crit!: [[ @{weapon1attackcalc}-5 ]] }} {{damage2=D2: [[ @{weapon1damage} ]] }} {{critdmg2=+ [[ @{weapon1crit} ]] }} {{attack3=A3: [[ @{weapon1attackcalc}-10 ]] }} {{critconfirm3=Crit!: [[ @{weapon1attackcalc}-10 ]] }} {{damage3=D3: [[ @{weapon1damage} ]] }} {{critdmg3=+ [[ @{weapon1crit} ]] }} {{attack4=A4: [[ @{weapon1attackcalc}-15 ]] }} {{critconfirm4=Crit!: [[ @{weapon1attackcalc}-15 ]] }} {{damage4=D4: [[ @{weapon1damage} ]] }} {{critdmg4=+ [[ @{weapon1crit} ]] }} You would have to do that for every weapon. Obviously at that point you are going to be playing something that is quite a long way off of how the d20 rules system is written, as you are meant to apply those penalties as listed.
OH, I'm still the same poster, i just logged into my other/original ROll 20 account... Playing Dark Sun Revised Edition with others right now on ROll 20. My question is what if combat ends after the first attack, and then starts again sometime later? Wouldn't a reset be due then?
Manny L.
Marketplace Creator
Oh I see, no you don't need to do anything at all. The macro will just output the values correctly for you, it does not make any permanent changes or anything.

Edited 1672688610
I'm back to my former self (The other game is over....) Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. You've helped bring me closer to getting that one started.

Edited 1672728468
Sorry to confuse you, but I am both Avangion (Where I play Dark-Sun Revised with people here online..) and Ukko the Scribe. My new account for running Slaine D20. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions and help me solve my problems. 
Manny L.
Marketplace Creator
Understood. I'm happy to have been able to give you some pointers, as plenty of folk on these forums have helped me out in the past too.
Forum Champion
Ukko the Scribe said: I'm back to my former self (The other game is over....) Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. You've helped bring me closer to getting that one started. In the future you could log into a different account simultaneously using a separate browser or in incognito/privacy mode. 
That's not a problem for anybody, right?
Forum Champion
Ukko the Scribe said: That's not a problem for anybody, right? Logging into two accounts simultaneously? Not only is it not a problem, it is recommended practice for a number of things, such as verifying Dynamic Lighting when you make a map. I have 3 accounts although I typically only use two of them simultaneously. 
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Hi Ukko the Scribe! Here is the wiki article on  Dummy Accounts . It explains how to make and log into one easily, and a lists many uses for them. Most often, they are used to check dynamic lighting setups, check the general player experience, and for streamers.
So I'm on the right path....