I am looking for a few good DM's, preferably with some professional VTT experience, to partner with on my campaign and setting in 2023. You need to have a pro account (or however it works for your VTT) and a good amount of visual assets, but I can supply background maps and stuff, adventures, text content, and icons.
The typical format for me is $10/session, first session free, 4 hour sessions. I give veterans and the disabled, and anyone on a fixed income a pay-what-you-want option. We will be doing largely one-shots and simple, short adventures in the style of organized play, where players can take their characters from one DM to another and continue advancing. In exchange for learning about and helping out with my world, doing some world building, and running some campaigns for me (you'll be building the world simply by running adventures anyway), you will collect whatever money your sessions generate, I'm not asking for any of it.
My still-incomplete campaign book is about to hit 400 pages by google docs' estimate, but due to OGL 1.1 has to be scrapped and started over. So I'm starting to recruit now so that you may have time to familiarize yourself with this world. If any of this sounds interesting to you, please join my Discord channel. Contact me on Discord: Thorin Teague#1469
Thank you for your time and consideration.