Also, queries resolve after inline rolls ( order of operations ), so to do it this way you would need to have a separate roll in each option of the query (adding a d20 to your fluffiness stat, then adding a d20 to your wiggliness stat, then adding a d20 to your permeability stat, etc.). You'd be picking the roll to use with your query. Alternately, you can do a chat menu as Gauss suggested, or you can use some metascript tricks to have a single roll and make it work with your query: !The value is [\][\]?{Which stat?|Fluffiness,@{selected|fluffiness}|Wiggliness,@{selected|wiggliness}|Permeability,@{selected|permeability}}+1d20\]\]{&simple} That would require ZeroFrame. More complexity might introduce the need for another metascript.