Hi there.
Is it possible to disable the map pinging, specifically for certain maps?
No technical problem, I’m just asking for plot/immersion reasons.
Hi there.
Is it possible to disable the map pinging, specifically for certain maps?
No technical problem, I’m just asking for plot/immersion reasons.
Not very easily. The best you can do is to set a user color to transparent, then the ping circles are invisible. This might not be an issue for the GM to do, or for a single player. But for a whole group, you would probably want to write a dedicated mod script.
I use this trick on the GM color in the Ping Buddy script.
Does ping fire an event that you could intercept, I wonder - regarding dragging the view - I think only the GM does that... so without view dragging, does everyone end up permanently transparent, or can the event be detected, set the color, and then reset it?
I don't think that pinging is an actionable event. If I were to write such a script, I would trigger it with a command. One to store everyone's color to a state object and then set them to transparent, and a second to restore all colors from the saved values.
The API can only react to things, not interrupt them. Also, there's no ping event (though I've asked for it several times!).
The way I'd do this in a script is to designate pages that should be no-ping, then when a player is on that page (by splitting from the party or the ribbon being moved), store their current color and change it to transparent, when they move to a new page, set it back. All told, it would be a pretty simple script.
Yeah, I use the store-color-transparent trick quite a bit in Teleport, just was wondering if there were any upcoming changes to allow for interrupting events - honestly, that would change quite a bit. As it is we can't lock people out of certain features unless it's through the token permissions, and there's no locking them out of drawing tools or pings, scripts or no. So many times the players emote as a shared token. I've had long chat conversations with their boat.