I might be alone in asking for purchased asset folders.
This is a problem for my organization in particular, as I have a lot of purchased assets (between tokens and map assets) and being unable to move or organize the purchased assets is a real burden, and I don't mean "gosh, I have to find one folder among twenty!" - I think I have upwards of 270 purchased asset folders (years of playing and purchasing roughly one or two a month for assets, plus some asset splurges) - which makes map-making and token drops a huge hassle, since I have to rely on the bizarre indexing of authors to find similar assets and memorize "this asset author used *this* terminology, except in *this* case where for whatever reason they didn't include the colon in the asset title so I have *two* lists of their assets alphabetically and I have to remember *which* of their organization sets had this particular asset..."
Please, can I ask for the addition of folder structure and dragging to purchased asset folders?
Pat said:
Please, can I ask for the addition of folder structure and dragging to purchased asset folders?
If they could at least also be grouped by artist/publisher, that would be nice. Just due to naming convention changes, some asset packs of certain artists are all over my list (although I don't have nearly the collection you do).
Kraynic said:
Pat said:
Please, can I ask for the addition of folder structure and dragging to purchased asset folders?
If they could at least also be grouped by artist/publisher, that would be nice. Just due to naming convention changes, some asset packs of certain artists are all over my list (although I don't have nearly the collection you do).
I think it'd be great to do at least group-by-artist like you suggest, as a single artist I could mention has token packs first by number, then by grouping-of-monsters-from-sets, then by type, but not consistently, and the spelling or colons change, then by the term "Animated" - meaning they are the first twenty or so entries, then blocks of entries, then one-offs within the other sets, and yes, it gets hard to sort them all for that one artist alone.
Please, can I ask for the addition of folder structure and dragging to purchased asset folders?
Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes. THIS. Organizing by author/set/etc.is of no use to me. I want to be able to create my own file structure and put assets where they make sense to *me* so I can find them easily.
It is insane that the first post in this thread was 6 years ago and they still haven't added any way to organize your purchased assets.
Here's the ultimatum Roll20: either give us a way to manage the assets we've purchased, or I am literally done buying assets from you.
I have spent a lot of money here and I am really starting to regret those purchases when I have to scroll through all of these folders looking for that thing I know I bought 6 months ago but can't find because it's not in any particular order or organized in the least. Give me folders so I can put these things where they belong. It's literally the LEAST you could do.
Here's the thing, this really isn't just a "boy it'd be nice to have this feature" thing. It's not a "golly wouldn't that be swell" thing. This is a "why the hell isn't this basic feature already implemented" thing. This is a "I can't believe anyone even had to bring it up" thing. It's a "get it together, this is basic" thing.
Please do this, Curse of Strahd or other adventure packs have so many maps that could be grouped up.
As you all know, this suggestion is something we’ve worked on over time. We delivered folders for the art library, jukebox, and implemented “folders” behavior including expanding folders to see/use contents and collapsing to hide contents. We updated the jukebox to feature a completely updated interface for audio files and playlists and added token markers and token marker management. In the last year, we’ve added dark mode to the VTT and updated the in-game settings UI.
Let’s talk about what needs to happen to fulfill this suggestion:
In our Tactfully Tackling the Top Ten blog post and the Roll20 2022 Product Update on YouTube we talked about future VTT UI improvements, and organization for macros, tables, and decks will likely fall within the scope of that work. I’m going to leave this thread in the “Researching” status for now, but I hope to change that by the end of the summer. Thanks for your votes, everyone!
You missed one of the big ones: pages. If you have a game with a lot of pages/maps, it's a nightmare to navigate them all.
Ashton said:
As you all know, this suggestion is something we’ve worked on over time. We delivered folders for the art library, jukebox, and implemented “folders” behavior including expanding folders to see/use contents and collapsing to hide contents. We updated the jukebox to feature a completely updated interface for audio files and playlists and added token markers and token marker management. In the last year, we’ve added dark mode to the VTT and updated the in-game settings UI.
Let’s talk about what needs to happen to fulfill this suggestion:
- Macro folders
- Rollable table folders
- Card deck folders
In our Tactfully Tackling the Top Ten blog post and the Roll20 2022 Product Update on YouTube we talked about future VTT UI improvements, and organization for macros, tables, and decks will likely fall within the scope of that work. I’m going to leave this thread in the “Researching” status for now, but I hope to change that by the end of the summer. Thanks for your votes, everyone!
Dave said:
You missed one of the big ones: pages. If you have a game with a lot of pages/maps, it's a nightmare to navigate them all.
Happy to provide an update on pages as well! There's a separate Top 10 Suggestions & Ideas thread for "a better way to organize pages," and we've announced that work is on its way via a blog post. More details in that thread here.
As long as folders are being updated:
The ability to right click on a multiple selection in the Journal Tab and have a submenu under the popup menu that lists all folders in the tab with the option to send the selected items to that folder. That would be a huge quality of Life improvement.
Automatically collapsing and expanding folders during a search would make that function much more useful. If that proves problematical, just displaying search results without the folder structure would also be an improvement. You could tag the PC sheets with the "PC" tag, for instance, and they would all be visible without drilling, ready to drag to the VTT.
Giving API access to modify the folder structure would also be a godsend.