I could imagine someone could design a solution with the ScriptCards Mod Scripting language. It now supports triggers, which I believe include token movement. It can also calculate the distance between two tokens. Here is how you might achieve this: Setup: Add your "Secret" tokens to the GM Layer of the map. For each secret token, populate a bar value (i.e., bar2_value) with trigger distance in feet the PC Token would need to be to discover the "Secret". You could even give it a Stealth DC and plug it into one of the other bar values. Add your secret text in the "Tooltip". Here are the steps you would do in the triggered scriptcard: Is the token that just moved associated with a player/character? Yes - Build an array of "Secret" tokens For each "Secret" token in the array Get the distance between the PC Token and the current "Secret" token. (optional) get the closest distance between the token's lastmove (a comma-delimited list of line vectors) and the "Secret" token. Is the distance less than the bar2_value? Yes - (optional) roll a check to see if the PC perceived the "Secret" token when it got close Did the PC see the "Secret" Token or was no check required? Yes - Whisper the "Secret" Token's tooltip to the player associated with PC Token (and to the GM) End If End if End For Each End I don't know how to make the token only visible to one player, so the Tooltip "Secret" may need to contain verbage that describes where the secret is and how the information is to be presented. -- Will Also - After I wrote the above, I did a little research and there is a cousin to "Its a Trap" called "World Map Discovery" It may do the trick, or someone could modify it to behave more in line with your needs. I reviewed the code and its close, but it doesn't appear to look at the path the token took, so you would be limited to where the token was dropped. It utilizes a function library called Vector Math, which has a function for determining the closet distance between a point and a line vector.