Joakim (Kim) said: 1. How do I get to display this roll action against a difficulty number with a value: name="dif_nr" ? If you mean compare the result to the dif_nr attribute, then you could simply do it in the roll: {{TEST ROLL=[[{0d0,1d6+?{Adding pool|1|2|3|4|5|6}+@{skill_athletics_mod}}>@{dif_nr}]]}} If you want to show both the roll value and the comparison in the roll output, then I'd recommend using an action button and custom roll parsing instead. Also, note that the name of dif_nr on the html element needs to be attr_dif_nr so that Roll20 knows to associate it with the dif_nr attribute value in the database. 2. Can I stop the query from sending an error message to the chat due to 5 sec have past ? As a roll button, this shouldn't be doing any sort of error related to a timeout. Even if this was an action button using custom roll parsing, it shouldn't run into a timeout error from a roll query presented to the user. So, I'm unsure what's going on here. Can you paste a copy of the error message that it gives you?