This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $5 US per session per player via Paypal. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.
Welcome, potential players! I am here to formally welcome you all to Majestra:
my homebrewed world for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, where a
great evil that has been locked away and forgotten by the great Deities
of both Universal and Local is starting to wither away the last of its
bindings which hold it to its prison throne. This Ancient Evil seeks to
not only vanquish the life on this world, it has the power to transcend
beyond its boundaries to the vast amount of worlds far beyond through
space and time; No world is safe when this presence breaks free
Thus, a voice - distant, frightened, and pleading, calls
upon Champions from far beyond its reaches to accept the call of help.
Champions of worlds time and space away, whom have lived their
adventures and completed their many great deeds for their respective
world ((whether that world was homebrewed or via module)), hear the
faded message. Will they accept this daunting task to return to the
field and raise their sword, their spellbooks, their thirst for
adventure and danger to travel the immense expanse to this long,
forgotten world and save it and other worlds from the coming apocalypse?
what's so great about my Game World, Majestra: It pulls Champions in
from other games and adventures that have already been played and
completed OR you can create your own character brand new for this game.
If you have a Level 17-to-20 character that you have always
loved and wished to find a game to play that character in once again,
well now you can! If you have, say a Level 12 or 14 Champion
that you would still like to return to and use, we would bump that
Champion automatically to Level 17 so you could play. Or you can create a
new character and we will pull that character into this world.
(A faint, faded and soothing voice speaks into your mind)
last, I have finally reached you: Mind, body, and soul. I beg of you,
Champion, hearken unto Me: From across the great expanse of both realm
and time, a world sits on the brink of absolute collapse. There is a
great evil at work here which has broken free of its containment and
seeks to be let loosed from the last vestige of my shackles. The wave of
its influence spreads across the fields and mountains to the very door
of my chambers. We mustn't allow this to consume us, for if we fail in
totality here, the fate of realms innumerable will fall victim next. I
implore you, Champion: Save us."
How Many Players Am I Looking For: 4.
Starting Level: 17
When Does Session Start?: Thursday Mornings at 9:00am EST (2:00pm GMT) ((Unfortunately this time cannot be negotiated)).
When Does Session Zero Begin/When Does Session One Start?: Thursday February 16th, 2023 / Thursday February 23rd, 2023.
Length of Gameplay Per Session: 3 to 4 Hours (after the three-hour mark, I will ask how long everyone wants to keep playing for)
Payment Arrangement: Paypal at $5 per session per player to be paid before each session.
Please post a response here in this thread and I will private message you with my discord where we can talk more.