This is my simplified proposal: move all the menus all the way to the left, save the rest of all that space for map and token interaction. The night mode button is especially annoying the way it just looms there, when you only need to press it maybe once. Who changes light/dark modes constantly for it to be necessary there? It might as well be in the Settings menu. Also, I don't use dark mode because Pathfinder sheets/chat look like s**t when it's turned on. I only ever use the zoom functionality when I want to restore zoom levels to the increments of 10 (i.e. if I want 100%). Simple: make the mouse scroll zoom also work in increments of 10, no need for the menu at all. Or, at least let us be able to hide it. As for the bottom player names... I get that some people use the video functionality, but it would be nice for us who use discord instead to be able just to hide the names altogether. Or to have them smaller and all the way to the bottom, if for nothing else but to show who's connected in the game, that's all it does for me, and takes up a large portion of the screen for no good reason.