Update. One player has been invited. All further applicants will be added to a waiting list. Thank you for showing interest.
Lord Alagondar´s Last Dance A DnD 5e Grand Campaign Time: Fridays 18:00 (GMT+2 Berlin Time) The year is 1441. In pursuit of the ancient necromancer, the party traveled to the many-storied city of Neverwinter. Some say that it is the Jewel of the North, but in recent years, it had its share of troubles. Lorenzo Alagondar, the grandson of the legendary Lord Nasher Alagondar, has survived a daring coup two years ago and is now barely holding the fabled city together. A no easy task in the best of times. Orcs have been spotted around the city, scouting the city defenses most likely. In the east, a red star is always burning red at night, an omen not to dismiss. The nation of Amn is mustering an army in the South. Its purpose is unknown, but a good leader must prepare for any eventuality. And if that was not enough, giant rats are emerging from under the great city. Not a threat by themselves, but worrisome, for what can drive these usually cowardly creatures to such audacity? This is a DnD Grand Campaign where player choices matter. Will the group support Lord Lorenzo? Or will they only try to profit from the misfortunes of the city? The game has 2 main elements: the megadungeon under the city (100+ hand-crafted rooms for exploration, combat and puzzle solving) and the city with social encounters and investigation of the current mystery. This allows players to have a better control of the game pace. The game has recently crossed a 2 year milestone, and 4 of the original players are still playing the campaign. As a DM with 6 years of experience, I am looking for one player for my Friday Group, which will bring the number of players to 5. Players of all skill levels are welcome! I use a combination of Discord (audio-only) and Roll20 in order to play. If interested, please write me a personal message with the following information: 1) Your age 2) What is your favorite part in TTRPGs? Are you familiar with Discord and Roll20? 3) )Will you be regularly available for the Friday 18:00 GMT+2 Berlin Time slot? ATM all player characters are at level 8, soon to be level 9. Max level in the campaign is 16.