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Charactermancer for Pathfinder 2e

Score + 84
This is a popular complaint in the pathfinder forum and in todays rpg political climate it might be wise to finally add one.
Adding something that users were told would be here shortly after release and is still an advertised item on the product page just sounds likely fulfilling what we bought into. 
I am really hoping for the Roll20 team to come through with this! It would definitely lead me to spend more on PF2 books here.
+1, I'm also interested in try Pathfinder, I even bought the Beginners Box. But sadly is very confusing to build a character in Roll20. I would not spend on any book until a charactermancer is implemented for Pathfinder.
At the very least I would like some transparency about the PF2 Charactermancer, Whats causing the delay? What timeline are we looking at? 
I agree, even if there's a good reason it's taken this long, there is absolutely no excuse for it taking this long without any notification, update, or reason given in at least several months, for something that started development 2 years ago.
BubblyBailey said: I agree, even if there's a good reason it's taken this long, there is absolutely no excuse for it taking this long without any notification, update, or reason given in at least several months, for something that started development 2 years ago. PF2 was released in August 2019, Core stuff and sheet released day 1, Mancer was supposed to be shortly after that. According to a response in a thread I started. Do not give them the benefit of the doubt by saying 2 years, it has been 3 and a half. The PF2 community has not be treated fairly in any of this, half our drag and drop is broken, we were told there would be support for AP's, we don't have half of them, and are still missing several books in the compendium at this point. The excuse at this point has been character sheets need an overhaul, well communication does too. "We really want this" does not fly when it has been advertised as actively in development on the PF2 CRB market page since the day that product went to preorder. 
Adding my voice here, please FINALLY follow through on what you promised when PF2 was released!
Please make Charactermancer support, drag and drop and other quality of life functions for the Pathfinder 2e sheet a priority.  Even the ability to copy an entry from one sheet to another would be good.  So I can copy a spell from one caster character to another, without having to copy-paste each box.  
I'd also like to add in, get some more adventure paths out..........  And PLEASE give the NPC/Monster/Enemy sheets the conditions check box like the player sheet has...... Tom and 72 players
I'd love to try Pathfinder on Roll20 but really don't see the point in buying anything here without charactermancer.
Razahn said: I'd love to try Pathfinder on Roll20 but really don't see the point in buying anything here without charactermancer. Same. Given that they advertised it and that people have been asking for this and Roll20 has utterly failed to deliver for ~3yrs, it's clearly not a supported system here.
Roll 20 has removed Charactermancer from the product page.
Jariath said: Roll 20 has removed Charactermancer from the product page. I guess that means we need to push the suggestion with upvotes to get a charactermancer for Pathfinder&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
This suggestion has been added and rejected several times over the years. I play PF2e on a different VTT due to lack of support here. I get the feeling your beating a dead horse. Scraps said: This is a popular complaint in the pathfinder forum and in todays rpg political climate it might be wise to finally add one.
Luke B said: This suggestion has been added and rejected several times over the years. I play PF2e on a different VTT due to lack of support here. I get the feeling your beating a dead horse. Scraps said: This is a popular complaint in the pathfinder forum and in todays rpg political climate it might be wise to finally add one. The problem is it probably didn't get much attraction from what I've seen a suggestion needs to get to 200 upvotes for devs to even acknowledge it.&nbsp;
I have been to one of the other VTT's, I very much enjoyed it, but likely overloaded it. One of my current games here is about to wrap up. I will be returning to that other VTT and take a more minimalist approach to it. And then, as my other games here come to a close, I will downgrade my subscription here until I am only playing non PF2 games here, and then none at all.&nbsp;
Jariath said: I have been to one of the other VTT's, I very much enjoyed it, but likely overloaded it. One of my current games here is about to wrap up. I will be returning to that other VTT and take a more minimalist approach to it. And then, as my other games here come to a close, I will downgrade my subscription here until I am only playing non PF2 games here, and then none at all.&nbsp; Yes. I have moved on to a different VTT except the 5e game that I still have here. I gave up my subscription but my players insisted on paying for it so I still have pro here. It just makes more sense to have to pay one time to buy into a table top rather than pay a monthly subscription. I save $$$
I already have the license for that other VTT, I would still spend to host it though. It is just a matter of where my funds go. A site that supports the game I prefer is where they need to go.
I might be beating a dead horse. But I feel it's better than leaving it there unbeaten. If we don't complain nothing will happen. If we do complain something might... Even if it's been years
How is there not a charactermancer for PF2e yet? I was told this would be a thing back in 2020!
Jacob T. said: How is there not a charactermancer for PF2e yet? I was told this would be a thing back in 2020! We were told it would be prior to the 2019 release. It was on the product page for the Core book until very recently when it was (quietly?) removed.
Every day Roll20 loses users and subscribers who are looking to switch to Pathfinder 2e from D&amp;D 5e. This needs to be top priority for them.
We need more votes for this to have any chance and as more books come out its going to be a LOT harder to do this and Roll20 does'nt even have a lot of the books out to buy.&nbsp; So I think this is a lost cause sadly. I think the wake up call will be in 2024, and the 5th Ed will be in conflict with 6th Ed.&nbsp; &nbsp;Roll20 got a bit more breathing space with the OGL disaster, but they are not investing in other systems, just doubling down on 5th Ed The rise and fall of Roll20, I can see it now, after 11, years on Roll20, so frustrating, ya know&nbsp; Tom :(
AYO.&nbsp; PLEASE.
There has been an update on the main thread(<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>), although there is no mention of charactermancer there is a promise of monthly updates so we just have to hope.&nbsp;
Lets kick this up to page one again as it seems we might be finally getting some traction for Paizo stuff again, one can hope Tom
Could you guys just stop guffing around and give us a Charactermancer? There are people here who would actually appreciate it. Show that you ACTUALLY care instead of giving us empty promises.

Edited 1680826600
Nemesis said: Could you guys just stop guffing around and give us a Charactermancer? There are people here who would actually appreciate it. Show that you ACTUALLY care instead of giving us empty promises. But do they? They removed the charactermancer from the marketplace page like 6 weeks ago without a word to the community, some of which has spent several hundred dollars on nearly every PF2 product there. Based on the fact that the line would have the full support. They don't care.
They could even add pathbuilder intergration at this point, how hard is it to use a JSON file to import changes?
Well, that and/or a fully integrated import of HLO (the mod that has been created leaves quite a bit out).
+1 Feels like a good time to revive this. Interested in trying Pathfinder 2e and several of associated products, but the lack of a charactermancer really mires the experience.
+1. Come on Roll20, show some real support for the players fleeing D&amp;D.
Pathfinder is the one game that I need to look elsewhere to find a more user friendly VTT. A charactermancer would incentivize purchasing future content for this system and map assets that are used in such a tactical game.
Jariath said: Nemesis said: Could you guys just stop guffing around and give us a Charactermancer? There are people here who would actually appreciate it. Show that you ACTUALLY care instead of giving us empty promises. But do they? They removed the charactermancer from the marketplace page like 6 weeks ago without a word to the community, some of which has spent several hundred dollars on nearly every PF2 product there. Based on the fact that the line would have the full support. They don't care. The lack of communication on this topic is disheartening and is one that is keeping my players from wanting to play PF2e on Roll20.&nbsp;
They just recently mentioned, that it is now possible to build characters for Pathfinder 2E on the Character Vault. I don't really know how good it is since I play PF2 via Foundry, but it is there to try!
I am still not able to access the Charactermancer in PF2, I am using the roll20 sheets and have done everything they have said. It is just not there.
Psaro said: I am still not able to access the Charactermancer in PF2, I am using the roll20 sheets and have done everything they have said. It is just not there. It IS available in the Character Vault: Not sure why they have not included it in the sheet... I don't play PF 2E here on Roll20...
The sheet is accessible in the Vault, the mancer is not. It has still not been finished, and likely never will be at this point. It has been 4 years and this feature was removed from the main book for PF2 a few months ago. TheMarkus1204 said: Psaro said: I am still not able to access the Charactermancer in PF2, I am using the roll20 sheets and have done everything they have said. It is just not there. It IS available in the Character Vault: Not sure why they have not included it in the sheet... I don't play PF 2E here on Roll20...
Just tested it myself and I admit you are right! There is no Charactermancer at all for Pathfinder 2E... So I guess it is best to use other pages to do so... :( Jariath said: The sheet is accessible in the Vault, the mancer is not. It has still not been finished, and likely never will be at this point. It has been 4 years and this feature was removed from the main book for PF2 a few months ago. TheMarkus1204 said: Psaro said: I am still not able to access the Charactermancer in PF2, I am using the roll20 sheets and have done everything they have said. It is just not there. It IS available in the Character Vault: Not sure why they have not included it in the sheet... I don't play PF 2E here on Roll20...
+1 this neeeeds to be done!
+1 Please make it so - I have minimal time to set up games as is, so please, could you give us a hand?&nbsp; Thank you.
Came here to check and see if there was a charactermancer before I spend any money here on PF2. Guess I'm going to wait.

Edited 1699547270
Paul said: Came here to check and see if there was a charactermancer before I spend any money here on PF2. Guess I'm going to wait. I wouldn't let it slow down your playing. There is drag and drop functionality for a lot and I think it's still most productive to make a PC in pathbuilder and then recreate it in Roll20. It would be nice to have a script for pathbuilder to Roll20 more-or-less character setup but we really need to see post-remaster sheet before developing anything.
Dr DM said: I wouldn't let it slow down your playing.&nbsp; My concern is less with play and more with the fact that they're pushing the preorder on a product update that they haven't delivered full functionality for after almost 4 years. I play a lot of 5E and it's heavily supported, but my experience with other games has been not great at best.
If Roll20 just had kept the character sheets on github up to date, they could've been forked and improved by the community as well. But the pathfinder sheet hasn't been updated for the past three years...