Hello folks we are about 16 sessions into a dark heresy game (about 1/2 to Ascension)  [4400 exp] which we probably will be doing ascension game after.  We lost a player do to personality conflicts.  And are hoping to continue the game.  The game will be held on TUESDAYS at 7:00pm EASTERN TIME and runs between 3-4 hours depending on how much is accomplished.  And the game will be streamed on twitch, though, generally we don't have any watchers (I'm a wanna be streamer :P).  Voice only and Character sheets only.  No video required. We currently have a Sister of Battle (Seraphim), an Assassin (Ranged), a Guardman (Skitarii Alpha).  With two "helper" npcs.  That follow around and help with the story.  I allow any of the standard classes with the addition of certain select abhumans, using the sourcebook Abhuman Acolytes  which can be found on my google drive.  Any of the common abhumans are permitted except Ogryn.  And restricted abhumans must be approved by 100% of the rest of the party and be accompanied by a VERY compelling written backstory.  Please keep in mind that this source book is a work in progress. Feel free to reach out to me for specific details. Game Specifics We are playing a 10-15% less zealous Warhammer to allow for some more unique and flexible stories.  The game is taking place in the Calixis Sector (mostly) 10-15 years before the fall of Cadia and the creation of the  Cicatrix Maledictum.   With the inquisitor you are serving a RADICAL member of the ORDO XENOS who as dual allegiance to the ordo minoris of the Recongregators.  And is also the military governor of a planetary system on the verge of being brought into imperial compliance. He, and by extention the party is expected to have some level of tolerance for abumans and has been known to walk the line for the good of the Imperium (has he sees it).