I have a player in some of my games who is blind. In the past, I've had to have him play in a purely text-based environment to make rolls, etc., but that requires me to maintain a totally separate environment from Roll20, which is challenging and keeps him from being able to access the same sheets, etc., that everyone on Roll20 has. Given this, I'm trying to write macros to create some accessibility for him, using a designated character sheet to let him hear whispers so he can type a macro and have information from the sheet read off to him. This is easy for set values where I know the "attr_name," but repeating sections are giving me challenges. Is there a way to have a macro whisper a list of the row numbers (as displayed, not as first entered) and, say, a "repeating_section_$X_name" field, such that he could then use a macro to access details about that list item? As in, he could type #skills to list every item in the repeating_section by line number and its name, so that he could then use #skill $X to have it send him the details of that particular item? Also, more broadly, anyone know of any other handy tools to make Roll20 more accessible for a blind player? This has been my best idea for it so far. Here's an example of a basic macro to use a character named "Assistant" to whisper ability scores, if that helps explain what I mean. (This is easy because the ability scores all have a set, specific attr_ value.) /w Assistant Strength [[@{CHARACTERNAME|STR}]] Mod [[@{CHARACTERNAME|STR-mod}]] Dexterity [[@{CHARACTERNAME|DEX}]] Mod [[@{CHARACTERNAME|DEX-mod}]] Constitution [[@{CHARACTERNAME|CON}]] Mod [[@{CHARACTERNAME|CON-mod}]] Intelligence [[@{CHARACTERNAME|INT}]] Mod [[@{CHARACTERNAME|INT-mod}]] Wisdom [[@{CHARACTERNAME|WIS}]] Mod [[@{CHARACTERNAME|WIS-mod}]] Charisma [[@{CHARACTERNAME|CHA}]] Mod [[@{CHARACTERNAME|CHA-mod}]]