Hey, Andrew...
What you need is 1) to actually engage Fetch (you're missing one element), and 2) a way to see what Fetch has ... um... fetched.
Engaging Fetch...
Fetch (like all the metascripts) will only get involved in a message if that message starts out as intended for the Script Moderator (that is, a bangsy message, beginning with an exclamation point)...
Seeing the Result...
Of course, now that the message is intended for the Script Moderator, it never makes it to chat. That's fine if you use Fetch in another script's command line, for instance, setting a bar value on a token using TokenMod:
!token-mod --set bar1|@(selected.height)
Run that, and the bar1 value for the selected token will be set to the token's height.
An easier way to see what Fetch has returned is to use ZeroFrame (since it organizes the metascripts anyway). If you start with a bang, you engage the metascripts; if you then include ZeroFrame's {&simple} tag, you flip that message back to one that will hit the chat output. So, with ZeroFrame installed, you could do this:
!The token is at (@(selected.left),@(selected.top)){&simple}
And since that really gets you the "center" of the token, if you wanted the upper left corner, you could use MathOps, too:
!The token's top left corner is at ({&math @(selected.left) - (@(selected.width)/2)}, {&math @(selected.top) - (@(selected.height)/2)}){&simple}
You could include the data in a report about the token:
!&{template:default}{{name=@{selected|token_name} Report}}{{Top=@(selected.top)}}{{Left=@(selected.left)}}{{Height=@(selected.height)}}{{Width=@(selected.width)}}{{Top Left Corner Coords=({&math @(selected.left) - (@(selected.width)/2)}, {&math @(selected.top) - (@(selected.height)/2)})}}{&simple}
But, again, the true power of Fetch comes in that it can return this kind of data to the commands of other scripts.
To GiGs point... if you use Roll20 constructions, you have to use the pipe separator and enclose the thing you're looking for in braces:
...however, not all things are returnable using Roll20 formations. That's when you need Fetch, and Fetch will work with either the pipe separator or a period separator: