I can't seem to get the token circles to interact with the sheet in that you can type a number in the token circle and have it update sheet data. It seems to be one way only? You can update sheet with a number and it will update the token number, but as soon as you edit the token (i.e. type in -5 to take off 5, it will stick the base value of the stun in the circle. Example: say I have both sheet and icon sitting at 50 STUN, I type in -5 in the circle and it drops it down to 20 (not even sure where it is getting that value) The character sheet doesn't change. If I type in character sheet then it DOES update the circle, but that isn't great as I have to do math before hand (I can't just type in -8 or whatever in the character sheet) AND have the character sheet open to do it. I am just wondering if this is "as is" or if I'm doing something wrong (I'm setting things up just like I normally do for D&D 5e sheet / tokens) EDIT: Hmmm.. Oddly the "Recover" button on the sheet recovers to the token circle but NOT the character sheet. This makes it a bit difficult to use. ;) Maybe I'm missing something obvious like you have to use specific circles for specific stats. Thanks for any suggestions.