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1-8/4/23 Session 2: Tomb of the Giant Kings


Edited 1680346548
1/4/23. One afternoon at Harko's Tavern, some two weeks since their previous adventure, Jir-El Severos & Coran look up from their drinks as a a large and heavily muscled dark skinned warrior in heavy mail enters the tavern, a huge tulwar on his back. He is followed by two of the elite Palace Guard, who eye the regulars with suspicion. The big warrior approaches their table and nods curtly.  "I am Kozan.  The Princess Alana bids you attend her in the Palace Gardens." He regards them with some scepticism. "She says she has a task for you."    Kozan Jir-El looks at the large warrior, smirks, and takes a long pull from her tankard. Kozan regards Jir-El disapprovingly. He turns to Severos. "You are to come at once." Severos: "Certainly, lead the way." Kozan escorts Jir-El Severos & Coran to the Satrap's Palace, where weapons & shield are taken at the entrance, and through to the luxurious and well watered palace gardens. They see the princess talking with a blonde slave girl of similar age.   Luna Princess Alana smiles warmly in greeting. "Please be welcome! I'm so glad you could come." "This is Luna, my Scribe. She has uncovered something within the personal notes of my parents... perhaps, their last resting place. My uncle the Satrap refuses to grant me permission to seek them, but he does not forbid me to send others. Would you be interested in such a task? I can pay well, as you know."  Luna the slave scribe bows her head in humble greeting to the three adventurers.  "I would be interested, but only after you tell us where we are going," Jir-El says bluntly. Alana nods. "Of course." She pauses. "My parents were adventurers - my father a noble of Khazistan, my mother a warrior from the frozen north. Quite similar to yourself." She gives Jir-El a smile. "They disappeared on a quest to find a lost tomb of the Giant-Kings, said to lie in a hidden valley high in the Zorab Mountains. Men searched for them, but could find no sign of their expedition, nor of the lost valley." "I was very young at the time. But I kept my mother's notes. And I always dreamed of finding them - of bringing them home." Tears glisten in her eyes. "Now, Luna has spent long nights researching the records, and she believes she has found the clues there that can lead us - you - to the valley and its tomb. I want you to find my parents' remains, and bring them home. I cannot go with you, but Luna has bravely volunteered.  Kozan will accompany you, to guard and protect her."

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"There is a map or just the clues this slave found?" Jir-El said with a contemptuous tone. Luna eyes Jir-El. "I have constructed a rough map from the notes. I believe the Valley and Tomb lie in the mountains, some hundred leagues to the north. There are cues to look for, that should indicate the way into the Hidden Vale. But I will need to compare the landmarks to the notes, to be sure." Luna looks to the Princess, who nods. Luna unfurls a map parchment and steps forward to show it to the adventurers. "With fortune and good steeds, it should be three days to the mountains, then perhaps four more to the Lost Vale." Alana: "The way will not be safe. The Zorabi tribes of the northern mountains are wild, and do not always recognise the authority of the Padishah Emperor, may he live forever. And there are accounts of many strange things in those parts. Perhaps remnants of the Giant Kings' ancient sorcery..."

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Still showing disdain towards Luna, Jir-El says, "What would be the payment for dangerous task." Alana: "For returning my parents' remains, 200 gold, to divide amongst you. Also, my mother had a most fine bow, said to be enchanted in the cold forests of the north. If you can recover it, it's yours." Jir-El thinks about it for a few seconds, then nods, "It is a deal. When do you desire we leave?" Alana smiles, looking relieved. "Thank you. The horses and packs will be ready for you tomorrow at dawn.  You will meet with Kozan and Luna then, at the Black Gate." Alana indicates one of her mail-clad guards, another Tharagian by the look of him. "Lothar will accompany you also. He is one of our finest warriors."
"I have my own horse," Jir-El says bluntly. "I will be there. Is there anything else?" Jir-El gives a briefest of nods to the warrior and then focuses again on the princess. Alana: "Kozan will be provided with gold for the journey... I think that is all." "Very well. If you need to inform me of anything else, you know where to find me." Without asking to be dismissed, Jir-El left and returned to the tavern. (The way I see Jir-El is she is not impressed by all the pomp of the civilized leaders. In fact she is downright rude and disrepectful) Alana nods curtly as Jir-El departs. Once Jir-El is out of earshot, she turns to her retinue - Lothar, Kozan, Luna and any other remaining PCs. "I... I know Tharagians can be brusque. But she... it's like there is a burning anger inside her. I hope it is not her undoing."

Edited 1680346529
2/4/23 - The group rendezvous at dawn at Dipur's Black Gate, and ride north out of the city. The first day of travel is through the fertile and heavily farmed landscape of the upper Oxartus River Valley. They stay that night at the village of Whitespring, just north of the Kharjah Pass. 3/4/23 Next day's travel leaves the river behind as the group ride on through the rolling foothills west of the Zorab Mountains. Villages grow fewer as the land begins to grow wild. That evening as dusk falls they see ahead the lights of a small settlement and its Inn, the famous Golden Panther, last rest stop and trading post before the wilds. The Golden Panther was founded some years back by the retired adventurer Zokares, his mighty Tulwar still hangs behind the bar.

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 3/4 (Day 2): Approaching the Inn of the Golden Panther 3/4: (Day 2) Battle at the Inn, kill  Ali & several of his men. Coran & Lothar celebrate with the bar girls. 4/4: (Day 3) Encounter Manotaur, Lothar rescues the slave girl Roshana from the beast. Skirt the merchant caravan of Nazim. 5/4: (Day 4): Reach the Zorab Mountains and start the climb. 6/4 (Day 5): Encounter a group of Zorabi tribesmen led by Achmed , pay their toll. 7/4 (Day 6): Find the hidden pass into the Lost Valley. 8/4 (Day 7): Enter the Lost Valley. Mist cloaks the valley floor, but on far opposite cliffs they see the glint of stonework. On the marshy valley floor, encounter a giant bull-man, a Tauran. A fierce battle ensues; the heroes are victorious.  8/4/23 (Day 7): Fallen Tauran