My supicion is in how you are setting up the bars. PCs should be: --set bar1_link|hp
--set bar2_link|other_resource
--set bar3_link|ac
... While NPCs should be --set bar1_value|@{selected|hp|max}
--set bar1_max|@{selected|hp|max}
--set bar2_link|passive_wisdom
--set bar3_link|npc_ac also, this line is confusing: --ids @{selected|character_id}}}
Generally you only need to indicate the id for tokens that are not selected. If you are selecting the token, Token-mod already affects it. You also set the default token twice. Usually, you want to link PC token HP, but just set values without linking on mooks. It looks like you are trying to do both approaches on each. My suggest to try: PC !token-mod {{
--set bar1_link|hp
--set bar2_link|other_resource
--set bar3_link|ac
--on showname
--off showplayers_bar1
--off showplayers_bar2
--off showplayers_aura1
--off showplayers_aura2
--set defaulttoken
/w gm @{selected|character_name} has been set up as a PC NPC !token-mod {{
--set bar1_value|@{selected|hp|max}
--set bar1_max|@{selected|hp|max}
--set bar2_link|passive_wisdom
--set bar3_link|npc_ac
--on showname
--off showplayers_bar1
--off showplayers_bar2
--off showplayers_aura1
--off showplayers_aura2
name|"@{selected|character_name} %%NUMBERED%%"}}
!token-mod --set defaulttoken
/w gm @{selected|character_name} has been set up as a Mook Finally, if you need different images on different mook tokens, you will need to set up a rollable token table to allow you to drag out a default token that has multiple art to choose from. You can find out more about rollable table tokens in the Help Center or Wiki.