Pak said: Like Jarren mentioned, CustomizableRollListener is what I use. The commands I use to add the sounds are below. !crl \\create,name=Fumble,text=##,roll=fumble,template=atk npcfullatk npcatk atkdmg \\!roll20AM --audio,play,nomenu,single|fumble !crl \\create,name=Critical,text=##,roll=critical,template=atk npcfullatk npcatk atkdmg \\!roll20AM --audio,play,nomenu,single|critical !crl \\create,name=Fumble-2,text=r1=##,roll=fumble,template=atk npcfullatk npcatk atkdmg \\!roll20AM --audio,play,nomenu,single|fumble !crl \\create,name=Critical-2,text=r1=##,roll=critical,template=atk npcfullatk npcatk atkdmg \\!roll20AM --audio,play,nomenu,single|critical !crl \\create,name=Fumble-3,text=r2=##,roll=fumble,template=atk npcfullatk npcatk atkdmg \\!roll20AM --audio,play,nomenu,single|fumble !crl \\create,name=Critical-3,text=r2=##,roll=critical,template=atk npcfullatk npcatk atkdmg \\!roll20AM --audio,play,nomenu,single|critical You have to have Roll20 Audio Master API installed if your using a similar command as above. In the example above, the listener plays either the "fumble" track or the "critical" track depending on crit or fumble roll You need to make sure to import the tracks you plan to play using the Roll20 AM config menu. I think you need to unlock the tracks you plan to play as well. I usually just import ALL tracks and unlock ALL tracks once I add the ones I plan to use with the listener API. Here is the WIKI for the API: LINK Here is a link to a forum topic that helped me figure some of the nuances out: LINK Hope that helps! Thanks for your help! I tried stuff out yesterday but I can't get it to respond to criticals, it just gives me an error " > CRL ERROR ||| Ability: Crit was not parseable. You may want to remove/update this ability via the config menu.". Same with any other kind of specific rolls, if there is no specific roll, it works just fine, but as soon as I specify a roll like critical or fumble, it gives me this error :/ Also, I don't need any sounds, just a text that basically says something like hey you rolled a critical hit with this weapon, remember your save.