Hello and thanks for noticing / reading this post. I find myself wanting to join a roleplay focused group that is friendly to LGBTQ players.
A bit about myself :
Name: James
Age: 33
Pronouns: him/he/them/they/she/her
Gender: male presenting
Backstory: so yeah I am writing a D&D style backstory because why not it works. So yeah I am a huge nerd, love anime and video games and table top games, I have been playing 5e for around 5 years now and done my share of playing and DMing and just prefer fair rulings and I'm happy if everyone is having fun. As stated earlier I use any pronoun so just use whatever works for you. I am a relaxed laid back guy but I do suffer from axinity and depression and do use weed to help with it but I am a bit of a stoner >.> but I have a high tolerance.
I am looking to play something fun but a little weird, probably a warlock or monk with a occult theme, maybe even a fighter. Overall looking to play a good natured (probably not good aligned but good though, probably be neutral of some type) that will hopefully mesh well with people.
Times I am good to play on: I live in the CST/CSD timezones and I am good to play most days after 6pm and can play at most till 2-3am. The days I am unavailable on are wednesdays and fridays.