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Rolling multiple dice, such as 20d20+1 where every roll is 20+1, not 20 d20s with a +1 at the end.

I can't find anything on this except for people asking it for literally the past 8 years and was wondering if there is an actual way to do this by now.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You can kind of do this with the group roll modifier 9see dice reference), but we'd need to know more detals about the roll you are makingg. You cant simply roll x d20+1s and show each result, but you can count how many succeed against a specific or variable target, for example. If you're only interested in the total you can replace the +1 with + the amount of dice rolled.
API Scripter
Except for the fact that you don't get the pretty rolling dice, you could just do: [[20d21r<1]]
[[d20+1]]  [[d20+1]]  [[d20+1]]  [[d20+1]]  [[d20+1]]  [[d20+1]]  [[d20+1]]  [[d20+1]]  [[d20+1]]  [[d20+1]]  [[d20+1]]  [[d20+1]]  [[d20+1]]  [[d20+1]]  [[d20+1]]  [[d20+1]]  [[d20+1]]  [[d20+1]]  [[d20+1]]  [[d20+1]] 
That's how you do that.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Gargamond, that method isn't adjustable to variable number of dice (not without a lot of retyping or erasing), and doesnt do anything with the individual dice rolls. It would be informative to see what Bigsby actually wanted to do with the dice rolls.
Hey Bigsby, I'd love to hear what you'd use this for. I can see that something like this would be useful for some kinds of games and some house rules that people play with. Just trying to understand it from your point of view. Thanks for the feedback!
GiGs said: Gargamond, that method isn't adjustable to variable number of dice (not without a lot of retyping or erasing), and doesnt do anything with the individual dice rolls. It would be informative to see what Bigsby actually wanted to do with the dice rolls. I'm running a game using the Diablo 2 TTRPG books from long ago and whenever my players kill a monster they can roll for treasure on a table and the roll is d20+ whatever level they are, and I was looking for a way to avoid rolling 18 1d20+1s (Or whatever level they will be) separately or having a macro that I have to adjust every time I want to roll a certain number of times. In a perfect world I would like to have a macro that prompts how many d20s you want to roll and adds in the level of the selected token to each one, but it seems like a difficult task to get each of the d20s to roll with the bonus applied to each die and not at the end.
Andrew Searles said: Hey Bigsby, I'd love to hear what you'd use this for. I can see that something like this would be useful for some kinds of games and some house rules that people play with. Just trying to understand it from your point of view. Thanks for the feedback! I'm not sure how the forums work on here so going to quote to you what I said to someone else as well. Also to add, this has been asked for a really long time, I have found many posts from the past 8 years or so all asking for the same thing. Hopefully someone here have solved it by now. I'm running a game using the Diablo 2 TTRPG books from long ago and whenever my players kill a monster they can roll for treasure on a table and the roll is d20+ whatever level they are, and I was looking for a way to avoid rolling 18 1d20+1s (Or whatever level they will be) separately or having a macro that I have to adjust every time I want to roll a certain number of times. In a perfect world I would like to have a macro that prompts how many d20s you want to roll and adds in the level of the selected token to each one, but it seems like a difficult task to get each of the d20s to roll with the bonus applied to each die and not at the end.
Gotcha. Thanks for sharing. This is an interesting idea and I think it could be a good suggestion. I'd move it over to the suggestion forum and see what you get!
Here's an open suggestion  for improvements to the Dice Roller. I think it would be useful to have a mechanism similar to rolling from tables (which uses [[1t[TableName]]]) to be something like: [[3x[[1d6+1]]]] That would roll and output three instances of 1d6+1, and would allow for a variable number to be input in place of the '3': [[?{How Many Rolls?}x[[1d6+1]]]]
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Bigsby said: GiGs said: Gargamond, that method isn't adjustable to variable number of dice (not without a lot of retyping or erasing), and doesnt do anything with the individual dice rolls. It would be informative to see what Bigsby actually wanted to do with the dice rolls. I'm running a game using the Diablo 2 TTRPG books from long ago and whenever my players kill a monster they can roll for treasure on a table and the roll is d20+ whatever level they are, and I was looking for a way to avoid rolling 18 1d20+1s (Or whatever level they will be) separately or having a macro that I have to adjust every time I want to roll a certain number of times. In a perfect world I would like to have a macro that prompts how many d20s you want to roll and adds in the level of the selected token to each one, but it seems like a difficult task to get each of the d20s to roll with the bonus applied to each die and not at the end. You have another, completeky separate problem that that has no solution. Roll20 rolls cant produce text outputs, so you can't produce tables in rolls. That may cuase you to look up Rollable Tables. Rollable Tables cannot handle modifiers. For every possible modifier, you need a separate tabel. Probably the only practical way to do what you want is to upgrade to a Pro account, allowing you to use scripts, and then use scripts like Recursive Tables in conjunction with ScriptCards.
API Scripter
Or Muler, which would let you roll against a rollable table with modifiers.

Edited 1679339468
Forum Champion
Andrew Searles said: Hey Bigsby, I'd love to hear what you'd use this for. I can see that something like this would be useful for some kinds of games and some house rules that people play with. Just trying to understand it from your point of view. Thanks for the feedback! Use case: 5e game, just last night, rather than having my players spam rolling a saving throw 8 times in a row due to a recurring environmental issue that happens every hour during travel I asked them to roll 8d20 and tell me what their modifier was.  This is because we cannot individually add in the modifier we have to mentally add it into each die.  However if we could add it in automatically, it would have been vastly easier.  As for how long we have been waiting for this feature? Oh...10 years sounds about right. About as long as I have been here. 
GiGs said: Bigsby said: GiGs said: Gargamond, that method isn't adjustable to variable number of dice (not without a lot of retyping or erasing), and doesnt do anything with the individual dice rolls. It would be informative to see what Bigsby actually wanted to do with the dice rolls. I'm running a game using the Diablo 2 TTRPG books from long ago and whenever my players kill a monster they can roll for treasure on a table and the roll is d20+ whatever level they are, and I was looking for a way to avoid rolling 18 1d20+1s (Or whatever level they will be) separately or having a macro that I have to adjust every time I want to roll a certain number of times. In a perfect world I would like to have a macro that prompts how many d20s you want to roll and adds in the level of the selected token to each one, but it seems like a difficult task to get each of the d20s to roll with the bonus applied to each die and not at the end. You have another, completeky separate problem that that has no solution. Roll20 rolls cant produce text outputs, so you can't produce tables in rolls. That may cuase you to look up Rollable Tables. Rollable Tables cannot handle modifiers. For every possible modifier, you need a separate tabel. Probably the only practical way to do what you want is to upgrade to a Pro account, allowing you to use scripts, and then use scripts like Recursive Tables in conjunction with ScriptCards. Well I don't actually need it to roll on a specific table, I'm fine manually looking up the table in the book, was just looking for a faster way to roll what we need.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Unfortunately there's no real way to roll several times, and see eac individual roll, unless you use a method like gargamond posted - which requires you to define the number of rolls ahead of tiem. You could use a query, like /roll ?How Many Dice| 1,[[1d20+1]]| 2,[[1d20+1]], [[1d20+1]]| 3,[[1d20+1]], [[1d20+1]], [[1d20+1]]} and so on up to the amount of dice you want. You can change the +1 to a variable modifier, using html entities, and put in a roll template for prettier output, like &{template:default} {{name=Table Rolls}} {{=?{How Many Dice| 1,[[1d20+?{Bonus|0}]]| 2,[[1d20+?{Bonus|0}]] : [[1d20+?{Bonus|0}]]| 3,[[1d20+?{Bonus|0}]] : [[1d20+?{Bonus|0}]] : [[1d20+?{Bonus|0}]]| 4,[[1d20+?{Bonus|0}]] : [[1d20+?{Bonus|0}]] : [[1d20+?{Bonus|0}]] : [[1d20+?{Bonus|0}]]} }} You only need to create such a macro once, but because of the way html entities work, once created never reopen the macro . If you want more rolls, just keep copying the last row, and add a single row item.
There is an open suggestion to make this possible easily: Custom dice syntax Using the suggested syntax this could be ?{How Many}dC(d20+?{Mod}) with none of the fuss of copy/paste query values or reroll hacks. So consider voting for it.