I'm getting a rejected notice in the browser console when I try to upload a webm file. This is pretty frustrating, since webm is the format I've been selling things in, due to the transparency benefits. Is webm being purposely blocked as a format? I've seen old posts about this memory error, but no mention of the denial as part of those. tadog-rum.js:1 DOMException: Permission denied (anonymous) @ datadog-rum.js:1 z @ datadog-rum.js:1 console.error @ datadog-rum.js:1 c.errorLog @ vtt.bundle.js:36957 (anonymous) @ vtt.bundle.js:36957 (anonymous) @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.raiseReject @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.raiseRejects @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.reject @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 (anonymous) @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.raiseReject @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.raiseRejects @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.reject @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 (anonymous) @ vtt.bundle.js:36957 (anonymous) @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.raiseReject @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.raiseRejects @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.reject @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 (anonymous) @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.raiseReject @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.raiseRejects @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.reject @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 (anonymous) @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 (anonymous) @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.raiseReject @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.raiseRejects @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.reject @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 (anonymous) @ vtt.bundle.js:17187 (anonymous) @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.raiseReject @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.raiseRejects @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.reject @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 (anonymous) @ vtt.bundle.js:17187 (anonymous) @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.raiseReject @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.raiseRejects @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.reject @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 O @ vtt.bundle.js:17187 Promise.catch (async) __webRtcLocalMediaInitialized.window.navigator.navigator.mediaDevices.navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia.navigator.fmGetUserMedia @ vtt.bundle.js:17187 n.doGetUserMedia @ vtt.bundle.js:17187 n.doGetUserMedia @ vtt.bundle.js:17187 n.doStartInternal @ vtt.bundle.js:17187 (anonymous) @ vtt.bundle.js:17187 (anonymous) @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 setTimeout (async) d.dispatch @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 n.doStart @ vtt.bundle.js:17187 r.startInternal @ vtt.bundle.js:17187 r.start @ vtt.bundle.js:17187 r.start @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 (anonymous) @ vtt.bundle.js:36957 Promise.then (async) (anonymous) @ vtt.bundle.js:36957 (anonymous) @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.raiseResolve @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.process @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 r.then @ vtt.bundle.js:17173 c.startLocalMedia @ vtt.bundle.js:36957 (anonymous) @ vtt.bundle.js:36957 Dr @ vtt.bundle.js:20181 lr @ vtt.bundle.js:20091 Te.onValue @ vtt.bundle.js:20061 (anonymous) @ vtt.bundle.js:20091 De @ vtt.bundle.js:19053 Z_ @ vtt.bundle.js:20001 T0 @ vtt.bundle.js:20001 $p @ vtt.bundle.js:20001 Hm @ vtt.bundle.js:20016 Te.server_ @ vtt.bundle.js:20016 Ee.onDataPush_ @ vtt.bundle.js:19308 Ee.onDataMessage_ @ vtt.bundle.js:19308 Te.onDataMessage_ @ vtt.bundle.js:19218 Te.onPrimaryMessageReceived_ @ vtt.bundle.js:19218 (anonymous) @ vtt.bundle.js:19218 Te.appendFrame_ @ vtt.bundle.js:19188 Te.handleIncomingFrame @ vtt.bundle.js:19188 mySock.onmessage @ vtt.bundle.js:19188 vtt.bundle.js:36864 Unknown message type. ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:17 Cannot enlarge memory arrays. Either (1) compile with -s TOTAL_MEMORY=X with X higher than the current value 268435456, (2) compile with -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 which allows increasing the size at runtime but prevents some optimizations, (3) set Module.TOTAL_MEMORY to a higher value before the program runs, or (4) if you want malloc to return NULL (0) instead of this abort, compile with -s ABORTING_MALLOC=0 ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:17 Cannot enlarge memory arrays. Either (1) compile with -s TOTAL_MEMORY=X with X higher than the current value 268435456, (2) compile with -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 which allows increasing the size at runtime but prevents some optimizations, (3) set Module.TOTAL_MEMORY to a higher value before the program runs, or (4) if you want malloc to return NULL (0) instead of this abort, compile with -s ABORTING_MALLOC=0 w @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:17 La @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:7 enlargeMemory @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:115 Q7a @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:198 R2a @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:198 dSa @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:174 cSa @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:174 WRa @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:174 $Ra @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:174 Z7a @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:198 invoke_iiii @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:117 CYa @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:164 _1a @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:176 lY @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:177 b4 @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:156 jf @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:168 dg @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:168 af @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:168 e.callMain @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:213 b @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:16 Pa @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:17 $a @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:214 self.onmessage @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:216 ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:213 exception thrown: abort("Cannot enlarge memory arrays. Either (1) compile with -s TOTAL_MEMORY=X with X higher than the current value 268435456, (2) compile with -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 which allows increasing the size at runtime but prevents some optimizations, (3) set Module.TOTAL_MEMORY to a higher value before the program runs, or (4) if you want malloc to return NULL (0) instead of this abort, compile with -s ABORTING_MALLOC=0 "). Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info. e.callMain @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:213 b @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:16 Pa @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:17 $a @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:214 self.onmessage @ ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:216 ffmpeg-worker-webm.3.js:20 Uncaught abort("Cannot enlarge memory arrays. Either (1) compile with -s TOTAL_MEMORY=X with X higher than the current value 268435456, (2) compile with -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 which allows increasing the size at runtime but prevents some optimizations, (3) set Module.TOTAL_MEMORY to a higher value before the program runs, or (4) if you want malloc to return NULL (0) instead of this abort, compile with -s ABORTING_MALLOC=0 "). Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info.