Hi, I've been working on a macro for one of my players who just picked up Bigby's Hand (D&D 5e), but I've run into a bit of a nuisance with queries that I hope someone can help me with. I initially wanted to make a one-button macro to handle all of the four attack types that Bigby's Hand can make, so the player doesn't need to have multiple buttons for the one spell. After writing it out, I realized that when I run it, all "?{}" queries from every branch spams the player. I looked into using "--i", but don't want the players chat to get filled with buttons that they need to click to finish the ability. I tried messing around with "--i" to skip the button step, but couldn't find a way to do it. After giving up on that idea, I tried using "--^" to skip the irrelevant code. My attempt looked like this: --/| Queries
--/|Query Type
--=Type|?{Attack effect?|Clenched Fist,1|Forceful Hand,2|Grasping Hand,3|Interposing Hand,4}
--/|Lookup Attack Name
--C[$Type.Raw]|1:&AttackName;Clenched Fist|2:&AttackName;Forceful Hand|3:&AttackName;Grasping Hand|4:&AttackName;Interposing Hand
--/| Outcome
--?[$Type.Total] -eq 1|SkipToClenched
--?[$Type.Total] -eq 2|SkipToForceful
--?[$Type.Total] -eq 3|SkipToGrasping
--?[$Type.Total] -eq 4|SkipToInterposing
I figured that it'd check which attack was chosen, then it'd entirely skip the code with the irrelevant queries, but alas, it seems the queries are generated on the "stack" (so to speak) as soon as the macro is run. I must admit that at this point I've entirely run out of solutions, and I hope someone here can point me in the right direction or, if not that, at least confirm that it isn't possible. Current code below: !scriptcards {{
--/| Queries
--/|Query Type
--=Type|?{Attack effect?|Clenched Fist,1|Forceful Hand,2|Grasping Hand,3|Interposing Hand,4}
--/|Lookup Attack Name
--C[$Type.Raw]|1:&AttackName;Clenched Fist|2:&AttackName;Forceful Hand|3:&AttackName;Grasping Hand|4:&AttackName;Interposing Hand
--/| Design and necessary variables
--#rightsub|@{target|token_name} was targeted by Bigby's Hand
--#tableshadow|0px 0px 0px 0px #aaa;
--#tableborder|1px solid #000000;
--?[$TargetAC.Total] -gt 0|DoneWithAC
--/| Outcome
--?[$Type.Total] -eq 1|SkipToClenched
--?[$Type.Total] -eq 2|SkipToForceful
--?[$Type.Total] -eq 3|SkipToGrasping
--?[$Type.Total] -eq 4|SkipToInterposing
--=Atk|?{Advantage/Disadvantage|Normal,1d20|Advantage,2d20kh1|Disadvantage,2d20kl1} + [*S:spell_attack_bonus]
--+|You rolled a [$Atk.Total] to hit.
--?[$Atk.Base] -ge 20|Crit
--?[$Atk.Total] -ge [$TargetAC.Total]|Hit
--?[$Atk.Total] -lt [$TargetAC]|Miss
--=Dmg|4d8 [&ResistType]
--=Crit|1d4 + 1
--+|You dealt [$Dmg] force damage!
--+|You rolled [$Crit] on the Critical Die, click [Critical Hit Table](<a href="http://journal.roll20.net/handout/-MvR3Qq1blWaYvV6m_iL" rel="nofollow">http://journal.roll20.net/handout/-MvR3Qq1blWaYvV6m_iL</a>) to see your options.
--@token-mod| _ids @{target|token_id} _set bar3_value|-[$Dmg]
--=Dmg|4d8 [&ResistType]
--+|You dealt [$Dmg] force damage.
--@token-mod| _ids @{target|token_id} _set bar3_value|-[$Dmg]
--+|Your attack missed.
--=ForcefulHandCheck|?{Is the target Medium or smaller?|Yes,2d20kh1|No,1d20} + 8
--=Mod|[*S:spell_attack_bonus] - [*S:pb]
--=Distance|[$Mod] * 5 + 5
--+|You rolled [$ForcefulHandCheck] on the hand's Athletics check.
--+|If you succeed on the contest, you can push @{target|token_name} up to [$Distance] ft.
--=TargetCheck|1d20 + [*T:athletics_bonus]
--*|The target rolled [$TargetCheck] for Athletics.
--=GraspingEffect|?{Is the target already grappled by the hand?|Yes,1|No,2}
--?[$GraspingEffect.Total] -eq 1|GraspingCrush
--?[$GraspingEffect.Total] -eq 2|GraspingGrapple
--=Mod|[*S:spell_attack_bonus] - [*S:pb]
--=Dmg|2d6 + [$Mod] [&ResistType]
--+|You dealt [$Dmg] bludgeoning damage.
--@token-mod| _ids @{target|token_id} _set bar3_value|-[$Dmg]
--=GraspingHandCheck|?{Is the target Medium or smaller?|Yes,2d20kh1|No,1d20} + 8
--+|You rolled [$GraspingHandCheck] on the hand's Athletics check.
--+|If you succeed on the contest, you grapple @{target|token_name}.
--?[$TargetStrengthAttribute.Total] -ge [$TargetDexterityAttribute]|TargetAthletics
--?[$TargetDexterityAttribute.Total] -gt [$TargetStrengthAttribute]|TargetAcrobatics
--=TargetCheck|1d20 + [*T:athletics_bonus]
--*|The target rolled [$TargetCheck] for Athletics.
--=TargetCheck|1d20 + [*T:acrobatics_bonus]
--*|The target rolled [$TargetCheck] for Acrobatics.
--+|The hand interposes itself between you and the target until you the hand a different command. The hand moves to stay between you and the target, providing you with half cover against the target. The target can't move through the hand's space unless it's strength score is 27 or higher. If it is, the hand's space is difficult terrain for the target.
}} Thanks in advance, - Jakob "Wheatley" From