Hi All, I'm revisiting Traveller after 40 years and am setting up Fall of Tinath for my players. I'm making a custom version of the existing character sheet for fun, and to fix a couple of bits like Initiative. I'm happy with the result but have a question about rolls and rolltemplates... In Traveller when you roll to hit, anything over 8 (the 'Effect') gets added to the damage: 'Damage and Effect The Effect of an attack roll is always applied to the damage of a weapon unless the weapon is Destructive or a weapon is being used on a target of a smaller scale (See page 157).' I know I cannot do arithmetic inside the rolltemplate itself, it has to be resolved in the roll definition, but is there any way of doing this? Here is the roll definition: < button class ="sheet-weaponroll" style ="width:25px;" name ="roll_weapon-1" type ="roll" value ="&{template:range} {{character=@{character_name}}} {{weapon=@{weapon_name-1}}} @{ro_default_rolltype} + @{weapon_DM-1}[DM] + @{weapon_skill-1}[Skill] @{ro_default_mod}]]}} {{damage=[[@{weapon_damage-1}]]}} {{range=@{weapon_range-1}}}" ></ button > ro_default_type is a prefix, generally: {{roll=[[2d6 ro_default_mod seems to be a text label, e.g. 'Modifier' So, the problem is that that if 'roll' (2D6 plus various 'to hit' modifiers) > 8 then damage = damage + (roll - 8)... I have checked the forums and there is some 're-use' use cases based on using the same variable(?) names...but I can't make head or tail of them! I know that API scripts can help here, and I do have a Pro subscription, but was hoping to keep it fairly agnostic... Any insights gratefully received, Coryphon