Waking up suddenly is often disorienting, waking up and realizing that you are in a strange location with no memory of how you got there is worse.&nbsp; However, waking up and finding yourself in strange and unfamiliar bodies is nearly enough to break the sanity of any individual.&nbsp; This is how you have found yourself.&nbsp; Trapped in unfamiliar bodies, an unfamiliar location and with little memories of the last year (more or less). Being forced to work together with strangers you barely remember, with talents you only have the most basic instinctual understanding of how to use.&nbsp; You must learn to trust your new allies to find out just what has happened, and how or even if it's possible to return to normal. Details This game is the third attempt at trying to get this game going.&nbsp; We have a single player and hoping for at least three others but we can run with two more. Date/Time/Duration: &nbsp;Saturday or Sunday EVENINGS (8pm) (US EASTERN TIME) +5 Age/Maturity: &nbsp;+18 or older Please.&nbsp; Since this is a Playtest Game, Experienced Players Only.&nbsp; (Don't have time to both teach and playtest at the same time). System: &nbsp;Pathfinder 1e, Core Rules plus any content available on PFSRD or Nethys.&nbsp; No Words of Power or Dreamscarred Press.&nbsp; (Both are really cool, but beyond the scope of what I'm trying to test). Play Test Document: &nbsp; Feral Adventures GDoc's Folder &nbsp;Access to the folder and document will need to be granted manually for security reasons. Extra Rules: &nbsp;Elephant in the Room allowed.&nbsp; Please no custom races, race creator or wacky classes. Game Location: &nbsp;Roll20 (with character sheets), Discord (for voice), and Twitch (Streaming).&nbsp; No Video is required. Microphone/Voice: &nbsp;Audio quality must be respectable and you must be clearly understandable.&nbsp; Furthermore, since the game will be streamed please be respectful, no loud eating, watching YouTube/Anime, or loud noises in the background.&nbsp; Set phones to vibrate and try to limit interruptions.&nbsp; (Real Life happens and I get that, if you need to depart, message me quietly, and then message me when you return quietly.) For those interested in the game please reply here, and a link will be provided to GoogleDocs where the Play Test File will be located.&nbsp; Due to me being overprotective.&nbsp; I will require an email to log into my docs and have access to the Word File.&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1t4V68dppCpPWDg6hK9AgLL4hbWU7bm2f?usp=share_link" rel="nofollow">https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1t4V68dppCpPWDg6hK9AgLL4hbWU7bm2f?usp=share_link</a>