I noticed the execute as js userscript checkbox appeared, so I thought I'd try it. Just need some tips on how to start. I tried a basic: var j=0
while (j<3)
} Doesn't seem to work that way. I'm not familiar with JS, what am I doing wrong here?When I replace the j in chat input with "Hello world", it outputs 3 times as expected. My end goal currently is to make a macro that query which "repeating_npcaction" you want, then how many times. So when you have multiple of the same monster that does multiple of the same attack(I'm using 5E ogl), you can easily do it in macro. Before now, I've been doing this: 3 attacks: %{selected|repeating_npcaction_$1_npc_action} %{selected|repeating_npcaction_$1_npc_action} %{selected|repeating_npcaction_$1_npc_action}