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Charactermancer 5e freezes with a certain number of spell sources are being shared in the compedium

Charactermancer freezes on the spell page when used to level up 5e characters with levels higher than 5 and sharing the following modules: Player's Handbook, Volo's Guide to Monsters, Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, Xanathar's Guide to Everything, Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, Van Richten's Guide To Ravenloft, Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, Mordenkainen Presents - Monsters of the Multiverse, Tome of Heroes and Deep Magic Is this an expected limitation due to the amount of total spells? If so, that would just be an incentive for me to not buy more modules with character options in Roll20 Does anyone know of workarounds for this? Thanks in advance
Forum Champion
Hi, Rodrigo, I haven't heard of this limitation before, nor seen it in my own testing (I have more resources than that).  Could you supply more details on the character's class, levels, race, etc. and at what point is it freezing so that I may replicate this in the Charactermancer?  My guess is there is a specific problem somewhere. 

Edited 1684745349
Though i do not have the exact same amount of compendiums, I progressed a wizard through the charactermancer. The network diagnose panel of the browser developer revealed: For a new character each dropdown box to choose a spell effectively does a call to the roll20 compendium backend. 3 times to retreive cantrips: 101 cantrips in less than 2 seconds (23kB) 6 times to retreive 173 level 1 spells in about 3 seconds (50kB) Level up to Level 2 Starting level 2 there is one call. The browser sends the spells the character already has tot the compendum backend and retrieves all spells to be displayed on the sheet. For level 2 there are 276 spell descriptions in 3.38 seconds. 82kB of json content. Level up to Level 3. This yields 388 spell descriptions in 8 seconds. 144kB Level up to Level 4. This yields again 388 spell descriptions in 7 seconds. 144kB Level up to Level 5. This yields 540 spell descriptions in 8 seconds. 210kB Rendering the charactersheet is slow now, spells are added at a rat of about 2 per seconds... so it takes more than 5 minutes before i can choose level 3 wall of water. And then the charactermancer takes again a few minutes to render the 'review' tab of the charactermancer. Level up to Level 6. This yields again 540 spell descriptions, but in 10 seconds. Level up to Level 7. This yields 667 spell descriptions in 11 seconds. 262kB Sometimes the browser is rendering the spells slow; sometimes it is fast. i definitely see how you can describe this as 'freezing' Also these timings were taken when USA is sound asleep (4AM EST), so i would expect much longer response times during prime time.
Forum Champion
Rodrigo, based on what Martijn is reporting you may want to add spells via the Compendium rather than the Charactermancer.  TBH, with the Charactermancer's limitations on bonus spells it is my preferred method anyhow.  To do this, click on the Compendium icon (circle with the letter "i" in it), and while there is nothing in the search bar click on the "Spells" category.  After the spells load at the top is a small button for "Filter Results". Click that.  Next, sort by class and level, click Apply.  Drag the desired spells to your character sheet (make sure it is not popped out).  Repeat for other spell levels. 

Edited 1684750706
Hi Gauss and Matijn, thx for the responses. The issue happened to all spellcasters: a reborn grave cleric, a variant human bard of eloquence and a yuan-ti warlock of the old one. They used charactermancer to try to level up from 6 to 7 and it freezes while building the list of spells to be picked. Great troubleshooting  Matijn. It does look very unoptimized, but with your tests it would have taken less than a minute. We were waiting several to see if the spell list would load. Yeah, I guess the 4AM US could have helped, our game was on 2PM Sunday EST, so close to peak I guess. I tried again now by duplicating these characters and starting the charactermancer. It took about 1min and loaded the spells. So it seems the overall load from Roll20 during peak hours could be the main factor. Yes, as a work around we could add the spells from the compedium, but the charactermancer did not allow to either go to the next page or even to cancel the process. It was stuck, not just taking long to load. It was unusable on Sunday. I had to exit the game, disable all 3rd party books from being shared and ask players to do their level ups without the desired spells. Later I enabled it back for the spells to be pulled from the compedium.
Forum Champion
Ultimately, I suggest filing a bug report via the Help Center since the forums are primarily for users helping users.