Hello All, I have rollable tables that have multiple entries with the same picture because it also determines the level of the mob. If I roll say 8 times, I know what mix of mobs there is in the encounter, but I have to hover over each image to see the text name which shows it's level. Rolling on the table with no images shows the text I need but isn't as intuitive as seeing the pictures? Is there a way to roll on the table so it shows the image then 4 (For a level 4) in the chat itself instead of the 4 being displayed in hover text only? The macro atm is: /gmroll ?{Quantity}t[?{Table Name}] A macro with inline rolls only shows text and only shows the first one. /gmroll [[?{Quantity}t[?{Table Name}]]] How can I get both the image and the text in the chat so its all displayed together? Many thanks in advance :D