Dungeon Master here looking for 2-3 Players for a Call of the Netherdeep Campaign on Fridays 7pm EST. Starts at Level 3. The current members: Kenku Bard that is a playwright Armorer Artificer Potential Cleric or Sorcerer The game will be held on roll20 and voice will be through Discord. How do I apply? If
you are interested and would like more information feel free to reply
to this topic or send me a direct message on Roll20, or add me on
Discord @Birb#5814 Game Link will be sent through Discord. Game Listing: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/361455/call-of-the-netherdeep-friday-7pm-est" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/361455/call-of-the-netherdeep-friday-7pm-est</a> This
game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of 10$ per game.
Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot
enforce any private arrangements.