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Moggojin of the Great Steppes


Edited 1685771595
Character Abilities: Str 13 (6; +1D4) Constitution: 13 Agility: 15 (6; +1D4) Intelligence: 12 (5) Will: 11 (5) Charisma: 14 (6) Kharmogg (Sheng) Fighter (Nomad) Heroic Abilities: Twin Shot, Companion Languages Known: Sheng Language, Khazi Language Fighter Profession Skills (6) Brawling (STR) 12; Evade (AGL) 12  Swords (STR) 13; Bows (AGL) 12; Axes (STR) 13; Spears (STR) 12 Additional Class Skills for Age (+4 Bonus Skills) Awareness (INT) 11 Bushcraft (INT) 10; Riding (AGL) 12; Hunting & Fishing (AGL) 12 Gear: Studded Leather  Armour ; Black silk tunic, Torch; Flint and Tinder; Quiver; Composite Shortbow; Short Spear; Hand Axe; Wolf-Head Scimitar, Pouch of Thumb Rings. Pouch of silver coins; Pack containing Trail Rations. Moggojin's leather armour is patiently crafted from the hide of the  Steppe Buffalo and  trimmed with gray Marmot fur. Moggojin's quiver was crafted for him by his mother, Yombi. Each of his arrows were fletched with raven and eagle feathers by his mother, Yombi, and his elder sister, Jambee. Khojan, his eldest brother, has checked to ensure that each arrow is perfectly crafted, balanced, and razor sharp. Each of Moggojin's weapons were finely crafted by his father, Moggdan. Moggdan forged Moggojin's Scimitar with a finely worked Wolf's Head on the pommel, inlaid with silver. Moggojin's mother, Yombi, insisted on inscribing his quiver with blessed symbols of the Wolf, to seek the spirit of the Wolf's guidance in battle. Yombi also gave much to the tribal Shaman to bless Moggojin's Shortbow with symbols of power and victory. Moggojin, as the youngest son, is perhaps especially cherished, and Moggojin's family has sought to ensure that he is well-equipped for the long journeys ahead. Nomad Culture Traits Nomads have the following cultural traits: v   Proud: You gain a Boon on Will checks to resist influence; including fear effects. v   Adaptive: You have the Adaptive Human in ability. v   Bowlegged: Your Base Land walking speed is 8 meters. Values (Replaces Motivation/Weakness) At the end of each session the GM may ward Experience Checks for stereotypical acts such as: v   Sleeping in a tent outside the city walls because you would feel trapped inside a noisy tavern. v   Discovering new and strange  places and  leaving your mark there. v   Scouting ahead of the party in the wilderness. v   Refusing to stay in the same place for too long. v   Ignoring laws that deal with the concept of private property. v   Offering strangers food an shelter if they ask for it, even of their goals oppose your own. (Spending at least 50gp hosting and entertaining others.) Moggojin of the Great Steppes Dragonbane Campaign Character Name: Moggojin (Phonetic: Maww-Go-Jin); Description: Height: 5’10” Weight: 185-lbs.; Eyes: Dark Brown; Hair: Raven Black; Skin: Pale Walnut-Brown/Yellow. Moggojin is in excellent physical condition, and is very strong, athletic, and agile. Moggojin keeps his full mustache and beard neatly trimmed and well-groomed. Moggojin's raven-black hair is thick and long, reaching past his broad shoulders. While Moggojin's clothing and attire are generally clean and well-maintained, he typically has the rough demeanor of a hunter. Moggojin has savage bite-marks and scarring on his left hand and forearm, gained from a desperate fight with a fierce wolf when he was younger. Ever since that desperate fight, Moggojin wears a steel neck chain with a dozen finely treated  and scrubbed wolves' teeth that his mother made for him as a necklace to honour his own courage, as well as honouring the courage and tenacity of the noble wolf. Moggojin's necklace of wolves' teeth is one of his most treasured possessions. Moggojin is generally considered as being tall amongst the Kharmogg  people and  having a handsome appearance. While Moggojin is young and handsome, his attractiveness and friendly smile cannot conceal his dangerous demeanor and the look of a ruthless killer in his eyes. Moggojin enjoys wearing his attractive black and dark green-coloured Deel; Soft, black-coloured deer-hide boots; A rugged, fur-trimmed cloak; and a Kharmogg Shepherd's Furry hat. For Moggojin's family, and his whole tribe, being presentable according to one's station or profession in life is important. The Kharmogg tribe, like all of the neighboring tribes, such as the Zharnah, the Naimatt, the Taanguu, and others, are all pure blood   descendants  of the ancient Sheng tribes that never intermixed with the Giant Kings, or their minions. In the huge wars that the ancient Sheng tribes waged against the Giant Kings and their mighty forces, through the ensuing years, some few pure-blooded  tribes of the Sheng migrated far out into the endless steppes, to establish new tribal strongholds. Now, many years later, those groups of Sheng tribes have remained isolated, but they have also grown strong. Individual tribes in these new homelands typically go by some various kind of name, typically inspired from a spiritual concept or a famous leader, but they are all Sheng peoples. Each tribe, while often seemingly consumed by the daily and seasonal struggle for survival--all still remember their ancient, Sheng roots. The ancient culture,  the "OId Ways," are celebrated and honoured by all of the Sheng tribes. Shamans and tribal storytellers alike keep the old customs alive, and the memory of a glorious age of their ancestors. Moggojin (Phonetic: Maww-Go-Jin), comes from a simple, traditional Kharmogg tribe far out in the blasted wastes of the Sheng Steppes. Moggojin has grown into adulthood mastering the traditional skills of Riding, Bushcraft, Hunting & Fishing, and all the while constantly training in being always aware and vigilant. Awareness is a key skill that certainly all good Nomad warriors learn and master, as those that fail to learn and develop awareness soon die. The careless and lazy typically die swiftly on the great Steppes. Besides such essential skills as a Kharmogg man, Moggojin has learned the basic skills of a Steppe warrior—being skilled with the composite shortbow, the scimitar, short spear, and hand axe. Moggojin is also skilled in Brawling and Evade, as traditional tribal customs demand that a Kharmogg warrior be well-trained in hand-to-hand combat. The fierce Wolf has taught Moggojin the valuable lesson of watching your enemy, learning all that you can, and then, striking your enemy with sudden and ruthless fury. Once committed to the fight, the Wolf does not show remorse or mercy, but bites their enemy, seeking the triumph of bloody victory, and ripping the enemy apart. Everything in life is a struggle between Strength and Weakness, the Hunter and the Prey. Every man must look within his own heart, and decide, shall he be a Master, or a Slave? Moggojin comes from a simple, traditional Kharmogg family. Moggojin’s father is Moggdan, a skilled blacksmith. While Moggdan is a veteran hunter and warrior, his greater talents demanded that he devote himself to the calling of the forge and  being a Blacksmith. Moggdan is skilled, wise, and disciplined. Such traits have helped Moggdan to become a successful craftsman, with a strong business of loyal, reliable clients and patrons alike. Moggdan has forged a long-standing reputation for excellent craftsmanship, professionalism, attention to detail, and good humour. Moggdan has led his family with loyalty, devotion, wisdom, and a constant, driving work ethic. Moggdan is generous, often kind, while also being humble and strict. Moggdan is known for being stubborn and relentless, as well as being religiously devoted, though of a solemn temperament and demeanor. Moggojin’s mother, Yombi, is a strong, traditional Sheng wife that keeps the home. Moggojin’s mother, Yombi, is devoutly religious, and is strict in honouring the ancient tribal customs. Yombi is diligent in maintaining the family lore and traditions and  is very mystical in her temperament. Yombi is also wise, pragmatic, and can be ruthless in her counsel. Yombi is of course skilled in weaving, sewing, and crafting of clothing, boots, and other commonly needed  items for a busy and large family. Yombi is an excellent cook, and skilled at brewing, herbalism, and the crafting of medicines. Yombi is a shrewd judge of character and  surrounds herself with a social circle of fellow tribal women that are all well-known for their good character, integrity, strict morals, wisdom, spiritual devotion, and hard work. Yombi is likewise known in the tribe for her strong virtues and  is deeply respected as a wise woman and as a sober counselor and advisor of skilled insight. Yombi is fanatically loyal to her husband, and deeply devoted to caring for her family in every way. Moggojin has three older brothers, Khojan, Charuka, and Barchuu. Moggojin has one elder sister, Jharmee. In the birth order, Moggojin is thus the youngest son. Moggojin likewise has two younger sisters, Sarbuu, and Yamayjah. Khojan, Moggojin’s eldest brother, and the first-born son, has devoted himself likewise to being a Blacksmith, and remaining at his father’s side, working at the family forge. Moggdan and Yombi both have been devoted, generous, and encouraging to all their children. Moggojin has set out seeking adventure, glory, and plunder, as a raider and mercenary. Such ambitions and hunger for action and adventure are celebrated amongst the steppe tribes, and Moggojin’s family has likewise been supportive and encouraging of Moggojin’s ambitions. Moggojin always has a finely crafted  pipe that his father Moggdan has given him as a gift and  is a treasured memento  of Moggojin’s many times spent around the family hearth, smoking pipes with his father and elder brothers. During Moggojin's entry into adolescence and adulthood, Moggojin joined together with other warriors of his tribe, known as the Kharmogg, in various hunting expeditions. The Kharmogg tribe joined in alliance with the Zharnah and the Naimatt Tribes, binding their strength together for increased hunting success, as well as mutual defense against any aggression from the always annoying and always greedy Taanguu Tribe. In subsequent seasons  and campaigns , Moggojin crossed swords with Quarju and his brother, Nebgaan, of the Taanguu Tribe in raids and skirmishes . Moggojin and other Kharmogg warriors were attending  a great feast amongst their allies, the Naimatt Tribe, in celebration  of a successful   skirmish  against the Taanguu, and Moggojin met again with Norbu, an old friend of his father, Moggdan. Moggojin had last seen Norbu a year earlier, when his father Moggdan had met with Norbu for business with trading for some tools and weapons. Norbu was proud to introduce his youngest daughter, Chimbai, recently coming of age as an adult woman of the tribe. Meanwhile, not long after meeting Chimbai, Moggojin was hunting and fighting alongside the Zharnah Tribe, Moggojin came to the attention of the veteran warrior Arajan, whom is also a skilled leatherworker . While trading with Arajan, Moggojin was introduced to Arajan's daughter, Doma. From his early adolescence, Moggojin became close friends with Chaigu, a fellow warrior of the Kharmogg Tribe. Moggojin has gradually come into his own, demonstrating solid skills in herding, hunting, and fishing. In recent years, Moggojin has shown courage and skill in battle and raiding alike and  has distinguished himself as a fearless warrior with strong potential. Moggojin's growing popularity and the esteem he has earned amongst his own tribe, the Kharmogg, as well as with neighboring allied tribes of the Zharnah and the Naimatt, has certainly benefitted from the knowledge that Moggojin comes from a prominent family with a strong and honourable reputation.

Edited 1685047965
Hah! YES! Such a perfect Token image for Moggojin! Simon, has the background detail I provided work well? I wanted to give at least some sense of tribal life, religion, customs, and social dynamics. Honesty, doing so is hopefully interesting and useful for you, but also helps me to anchor Moggojin constantly within his tribal cultural context. Every aspect of his character, every fiber of his being, has been hammered on from life on the steppe, struggling for survival, fighting, being scourged by times of famine, thirst, wind, and harsh temperatures of both heat and frigid cold. The years are often prosperous, at least survivable, but every so often, harsh times come, and are expected. It is an environment of extreme contrasts--people are forged into the peak of strength and health, both men and women alike, and yet, children die in childbirth, people become ill and die from sickness, and while good life can be very long, life is also often short. In general, people throughout the Steppes are typically sober in their temperament, harsh in their demeanor, and stoic with most emotions. everyone lives in a harsh and brutal environment, where pain, suffering, and struggle are the norm. It is often surprising to many foreign outsiders, that the Steppe peoples do, in fact, greatly cherish the values of love, friendship, and family. For most peoples of the Steppes, these values, experiences, and relationships are more valuable than gold, with many willing to lay down their lives for such values. Far beyond gold, weapons, herd animals, or horses, such blessings are the true treasures in life. A closer analysis of every major component of the Steppe tribes' society reveals that for everyone, from high to low status, these values of love, friendship, family, honour, respect, and loyalty underpin every aspect of society from engaging in war, to running the economy. More reinforcing themes for the cycle of human life and struggle.

Edited 1685771650
The edited material looks very good, thanks!

Edited 1685775903