This new feature is a nifty surprise, to me: Click on a token and press z key. (or try it on any selected picture on the Layer that you're on as GM). It pops-up the image to full resolution. If you have detailed portrait tokens, it lets you show the full size picture for a moment, then it returns to normal token size. Riley describes it on the forum, <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/1145232/new-upda" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/1145232/new-upda</a>... and in the Dev blog, <a href="http://blog.roll20.net/post/96542885895/new-update" rel="nofollow">http://blog.roll20.net/post/96542885895/new-update</a>... This is a graphics accessibility improvement for anyone who uses reduced-size pictures on the tabletop. The September update is overall headlined by updates to card decks but the "z to zoom pictures to full size" is not just for cards, nor even just tokens. Seems like a neat little upgrade. Since it wasn't touted in the card-focused headlines, I wanted to open a topic about this with a General On-Topic question. How are you using the new z-key capability in your campaigns?