The large, intercepting city of Gindola holds the memories and scuffs of many wheels and travelers passing through. Nothing is constant in this town- not even their own laws. Yet, Gindola is easy city for a few travelers to earn a nice sum along the way.
A large board usually is centered in this town- either full of "wanted" men and women or people "in urgent need" of materials.
Usually, that is, until now. All of the postings have been removed. More than a handful of guards patrol the area now. Their horses- agitated from the repeated pacing.
One such guard makes their way to a local tavern, a crumbled scroll in their clutches.
A new announcement. A new hunt. A search for this "Damned City".
General Info:
#DM: Sila (Hi)
#Date and Time: Weekly Tuesdays from 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM GMT+2
#Levels: From Level 1 to Beyond Level 15
#Gameplay: 60% Roleplay/Investigation, 40% combat
#Edition: 5e
#Homebrew/UA classes/characters: I’m usually lenient but please run it by me first
#Players: 3-5 seats available
#Cost: 10 €/$ per session via Paypal (First Session you attend is free) (Roll20 Disclaimer: This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of {10 €/$ per session via Paypal} Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.
#Platforms: Roll20, Discord Voice
What to expect:
A long term, Homebrewed campaign story with original characters
Homebrewed Monsters and Magic Items characters may run into along the journey.
A mixture of Still Background images + Dynamically lit maps for a diverse campaign story telling.
And of course, fun times :)
Please feel free to DM me for any more information!