3/5 Players System: D&amp;D 5E VTT: Roll20, using DnDBeyond character sheets and Beyond20 for rolls Duration: 4-5 hours 1PM EST 2023-6-3 Level 3 Adventure This adventure is part train heist part drag race so there is a real time component as you explore the hellfire plains of Avernus on your Infernal Warmachine Content Warning: Gore, Evil Stuff (It's hell afterall baby), we have rules on our 18+ discord about no SA, Racism, homophobia, etc, think more comically evil It's Fury Road Time! Come with your gang to drive and bash massive hellish machines against each other as you must execute a diabolically devilish train heist! The party starts out in Baldur's gate, super quickly and comedically dies and is sent to hell. There you have the opportunity to earn a way out by participating in a hellish heist! Here's the character creation info. Each table will be a gang of Baldur's Gate never'do'wells that already have known each other for some time. You can create evil characters but you still need to be able to work together as a team and there isn't room in the adventure for PvP. Race and Class: You can pick races and Classe options from: Players Handbook, Fizban's, Mordenkainen Multiverse, Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, Tasha's, Xanathars. You can use the Tasha's optional Race Ability Scores. Ability Score: Standard Array or Point Buy. Starting Equipment: 6a. Level 3 characters get 1 common magic item of their choice and 150gp to spend on mundane gear in addition to their starting gear. 6b. Level 8 characters get 1 common magic item of their choice and one +1 held magic item of their choice (weapon, shield, wand, rod, amulet, grimoire, moon sickle, drum, etc) and 400 gp to spend on mundane gear in addition to their starting gear Come up with a fun reason you're going to hell. Everyone is headed there, this adventure is a bit silly and absurd, so no reason we can't have fun paving the road with good intentions (and hilarious consequences). Please provide HQ with relevant art for your character tokens (and any summons, etc) A character sheet in DnDBeyond (Link to the level 3 and level 8 "campaigns" are pinned in the discord thread, make sure you join the appropriate campaign) check the pin for character creation info and ask me any questions You character name in this thread so I know which character belongs to who in Discord. A piece of character art, I prefer using <a href="https://www.heroforge.com/" rel="nofollow">https://www.heroforge.com/</a> , include a screenshot in this thread and we'll have your token ready for you. There will are roll20 lobbies for each table and you'll join the appropriate one there. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or want to get a discord invite to the game info! I'm about to go to bed but I'll respond in the morning!