********************************************PROBLEM SOLVED - ANSWER IN SECOND POST*******************************************
I am planning an adventure where (long story short...) the map is a 40 x 40 square, the 2 squares around the border are a fixed "Outer Wall" image, but the 36 x 36 space within is broken down into a 4 x 4 grid of 9 x 9 "Units" into each of these units I intend to place a 9 x 9 square tile with numerous set ups on a Rollable Table all made from a single base image created in Dungeonfog, (please don't advise me of "better" software I should be using, I started with DF and its taken me this long to work out most of its functions, I 'aint going through all that again...) that will line up however they are oriented.
The players will need to find their way round this maze using levers they find along the way to alter the orientation of the layout. (Don't you just love a good old fashioned "Crazy Wizard"???)
The set up of this map section hasn't been an issue. But I am at a loss as to how to block lines of sight and movement that I would normally just import with the Universal VTT API, or draw by hand on the Lighting/Wall layer.
If anyone has ever attempted this before and has a solution, or any of you coding gurus have any ideas, I'd love to hear them.
I have been able to create 2D models of the walls that will map onto the dungeon section tiles using Paint 3D (please don't explain that I should be using a "better" software for this... it was free and I know how to make it work...) but don't know how to convert those standard PNG images into the format of the walls and windows etc on the lighting layer, and placed via the Rollable Table. And even if I could do that, I don't know how to create either a rollable table that holds both the image for the map layer AND the barriers on the lighting layer... OR have two rollable tables with matching "Map" + "Lighting Wall" on the same number and drawing a result from one table and applying it to both.
The only solution I have been able to come up with is to make the map WAY bigger, and along the outer edge, have premade lighting grids, that I could C&P and drag in after deleting the current one as the sections changed, but this would necessitate too many pauses in play while I fart about with the map, and reduce the impact of the effect of the walls changing on my players.
I have a feeling this is either going to be "Oh, you just need to use THIS API... that does exactly what you are asking for, and it takes care of all the technical stuff for you..." or "That may not be possible and even if it were, its an insanely complex bit of code that would take a LONG time to create"
But any help would be appreciated.