Hello scriptomancers. I posted the other day about an issue I was having with Chatsetattr not allowing rounding functions. Turns out it was actually the in-line rolls that were broken. Every macro I have that had an in-line roll as part of the command syntax ended up breaking the sandbox. For some reason, it works fine when you put the command line within a roll template, but not as a stand-alone command. In other words, this works: @{selected|wtype}&{template:dmg} {{rname=Cure Wounds}} {{range=Touch @{target|token_name}}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} !modbattr --name @{target|character_name} --silent --hp|+{{dmg1=[[1d8 + 5]]}} !!! {{dmg1type=Healing}} 0 {{dmg2=[[0]]}} {{dmg2type=}} 0 {{desc=}} {{hldmg=}} {{spelllevel=?{Cast at what level?}} {{innate=}} {{globaldamage=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagetype=@{selected|global_damage_mod_type}}} ammo= {{spelldesc_link=[Show Spell Description](~-NCGeMe-T_M-pSwIke0G|repeating_attack_-NJRPBVgEBvQjhi1el1j_spelldesc_link)}} @{selected|charname_output} But this breaks the sandbox: !modbattr --name @{target|character_name} --hp|+[[1d8+5]] I am not sure if it is related, but this issue started after I opted in to the new UI menu style, then quickly opted back out again. Wha happened?