In case anyone else could use it I wrote a simple script to automatically roll different max HPs for selected enemies. It uses the npc_hpformula attribute in the 5e character sheet. Copy it into your scripts as a new script, then run it by using !RandomHP with some tokens selected. The token's bar1 will be set with the new HP. If you screw up and don't pick a character with npc_hpformula filled if you pick a player...then it'll skip that token and print out an error message. It's only my second javaScript so sorry if its a little messy. There are probably other scripts like it out there, but I wanted to learn, so I figured I'd make my own. on("ready",function(){ on("chat:message",function(msg){ if(msg.type=="api" && msg.content.indexOf("!RandomHP")==0) { // for each selected token, see if they are in the stored info. _.each(msg.selected,function(selectedItem) // for each selected item.... { if (selectedItem._type == "graphic"){ let DoIt = 1; var tok = getObj("graphic",selectedItem._id); prev = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(tok || {})); let character = getObj("character", tok.get("represents")); if(character == undefined) // if its not a character, skip. { sendChat("","Not a character. Skipping...."); DoIt = 0; } if(DoIt==1) { let CharName = character.get("name"); let HPFormula = getAttrByName(, "npc_hpformula"); try { const NumDice = parseInt( HPFormula.split("d")[0] ) ; const DiceType = parseInt ( HPFormula.split("d")[1].split("+")[0] ) ; const Bonus = parseInt( HPFormula.split("+")[1] ); let HP = Bonus; for (let i = 0; i < NumDice; i++) { var DiceResult = randomInteger(DiceType); HP += DiceResult; } tok.set("bar1_value", HP); // WIP tok.set("bar1_max", HP); // WIP notifyObservers("change", tok, prev); } catch(err){sendChat("","Not an NPC. Skipping....");} } } }) } }); });