OK, so if I understand what that script is doing, it is using the info you supply:
@{ActionDie} + @{Level} + @{Intelligence_mod} + @{WizardSpellCheckMisc} + ?{Spellburn|0}
....to create a roll. The value of the roll is the item it then pulls from the rollable table. What you need it to do is to ALSO show you the value of the result of your math/roll.
If I have that correct, I could approach it 2 ways.
Option 1 - ZeroFrame Batching
ZeroFrame batching lets you share roll values from one command line to another. Your tinkering with the script command line shows that it likely is set up to handle inline rolls, so that means you could construct your roll in one line (giving you a breakdown of the component parts), and then re-use it in the script line...
{&template:default}({)name=Components(})({)Table=@{WizardSpell}(})({)Action Die=@{ActionDie}(})({)Level=@{Level}(})({)Int Mod=@{Intelligence_mod}(})({)Misc=@{WizardSpellCheckMisc}(})({)Spellburn=?{Spellburn|0}(})({)Final=[[@{ActionDie} + @{Level} + @{Intelligence_mod} + @{WizardSpellCheckMisc} + ?{Spellburn|0}]](})
!rt @{WizardSpell} $[[0]]
Air-coded caveats apply.
That would give you a templated output above the output from the script, which would break down your roll parts. I used the default template, but if you understand how to do that one, you could change it to another template if you like. Also, I used your equation, assuming that the parts were all numbers and therefore OK to put in an inline roll. If they are not, we might have to tweak the above. Finally, each reference comes without a character component (as your initial version showed); that of course means that the above version will have to also be placed on a character sheet (e.g., it wouldn't work from a Collections tab macro).
ZeroFrame (and all supporting scripts from 1-click install), Lithl's Real Rollable Tables
Option 2 - ZeroFrame + Muler
Muler lets you get an item from the same table using a roll/modifiers, and ZeroFrame lets you output it to chat. Using those two scripts (and associated/supporting scripts that come when you install from the 1-click), you could use something like:
!&{template:default}{{name=Table Retrieval Proof of Concept}}{{Table=@{WizardSpell}}}{{Action Die=@{ActionDie}}}{{Level=@{Level}}}{{Int Mod=@{Intelligence_mod}}}{{Misc=@{WizardSpellCheckMisc}}}{{Spellburn=?{Spellburn|0}}}{{Final=[[@{ActionDie} + @{Level} + @{Intelligence_mod} + @{WizardSpellCheckMisc} + ?{Spellburn|0}]]}}{{Retrieved Item=get.Table.@{WizardSpell}.$[[0]].value/get}}
Air-coded caveats apply.
That again assumes you are putting this on a character sheet, that the name of a valid table is in the @{WizardSpell} attribute, and that the result of the table retrieval would work in a template. If the contents do not lend themselves to being included in a template, we could put a Muler get statement on its own line.
ZeroFrame (and all supporting), Muler (and all supporting)