Tyranny of Dragons Sunday
Schedule/Frequency of gameplay: Weekly Sunday nights 9:00pm-midnight EST
This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $10/session or 4 sessions for $35 via https://ko-fi.com/siveron.
Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.
Zoom with for voice and video (camera not a requirement but encouraged). Discord for between game communications.
New players are welcome!
Be prepared to battle as well as use your imagination for creating interactive and immersive scenes and your Backstory is important! I do not want a novel written, but something that gives your character some history and depth but doesn't already make them a killer of dragons Level 1 characters are not much more than simple farmers.
Class requirements:
All 5e official content allowed excluding Eberron/Ravnica/Wildmount
Starting Level: 1
Stats: Standard Array or Point Buy (character must be created in game and stats rolled in roll20)
Classes: All from allowed sources (excluding Eberron/Ravnica/Wildemount)
Species: All from allowed sources (excluding Eberron/Ravnica/Wildemount)
Other/more info:
All of my games are LGBTQIA+ Friendly!
Any roleplay or out of character conversation involving sexual violence or real-world hate speech is strictly prohibited. No exception!
I have several house rules that I will send to you when accepted to the game.
This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $10/session to be filled with a description of your method, amount, and frequency of payment >. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.