I am looking for 5 players to join my actual play of the series of modules I've nicknamed The Dragon's Legacy . They include the Sunless Citadel, the Forge of Fury, the Speaker in Dreams, the Standing Stone, Heart of Nightfang Spire, Deep Horizon, Lord of the Iron Fortress, and Bastion of Broken Souls. I am currently GMing a Basic Roleplay campaign in the Call of Cthulhu setting and have also GM'd in Pathfinder 1E and D&D 4E. While my goal is to record these adventures for my YouTube channel, my priority is to make sure everyone has fun, laughs, and hopefully survive the dungeons and strange events of the path. I am no Matt Mercer or Troy Lavallee but I will do my best to entertain you. I will begin with a Session Zero where the characters are on the road to Oakhurst, and give the characters a chance to get acquainted while experiencing a short adventure. This adventure will give you guys a chance to try out the combat system before leading to the Ol' Boar Inn at the beginning of the adventure path. Each character can have a motivation for traveling to Oakhurst. The Sunless Citadel itself is well-known and attracts adventurers looking to make a name for themselves. Characters may be answering an advertisement from a nearby town to search for two lost adventurers, brother and sister Talgen Hucrele and Sharwyn Hucrele. They were part of an adventuring party that journeyed into the Sunless Citadel and haven't been seen since. Their mother, Kerowyn Hucrele, is offering salvage rights and a reward of 125 gp per signet ring for the return of their signet rings, and to double the reward if her children are returned safe and sound. Lastly, there is a mystery surrounding a local goblin tribe that is selling a single magic apple to the highest bidder in midsummer and midwinter. The midsummer fruit is a perfect red hue and has powerful healing properties to cure any wounds and remove afflictions, while the midwinter fruit is pale white and deadly poison. They sometimes plant the seeds at the center of each fruit, hoping to engender an enchanted apple tree. When the seeds germinate in their proper season, they produce a twiggy mass of twisted sapling stems. Not too long after the saplings reach 2 feet in height, they are stolen—every time. The townsfolk assume that the jealous goblins send out thieves to ensure their monopoly of enchanted fruit. You are interested in piercing the mystery associated with how wretched goblins could ever possess such a wonder, and how they steal every sprouting sapling grown from the enchanted fruit’s seed. Moreover, you wish to find this rumored tree of healing, hoping to heal an ailing friend or relative. Let me know if you're interested in joining by private message.