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Mei Hua's Journal


Edited 1685790208
星期四 --  Mother Ekrimala called for me, interrupting a long and luxurious bath, but one cannot deny her call. She "requested" I locate some missing girl named  Sutrahmunah. There is obvious history there and it is clear she is not telling me everything she knows, but I know enough not to question such things. There is no mention of reward, but it always best to be on the list that Mother Ekrimala owes and not on the one that owes her. I set off. 星期六 -- I meet two that may serve me well in this mission. Moggojin, an excitable and bloodthirsty man, like all of his people. But, he once helped me out of a tight spot. If not for him, the scar across my neck would have been longer. And Zoya, a magic user that holds great potential and great beauty. I am sure they have their own reasons to join forces, but I do not choose to question serendipity.  星期日 -- As we approach the ruins, we come upon another group -- a large one who are also seeking, it seems, a girl, though it seems to be a different one than the one we are after. They say the interior is full of cannibals, filthy creatures indeed. They propose we join forces and one sallow man named Chamash obviously wishes for other joinings to be had, but there is an oily nature about him that I do not like at all. If he tries, he shall find my dagger.There is a surprisingly cultured executioner with a large axe named Severos. He carries it easily in his hands, but speaks little. There is another, an equally muscular man named Lother, who wears a strange helm with a dark aura about it. Arshaf, who I somewhat recognise, says that he has met me before, and he seems like someone to keep an eye on. They have a captive named Borak, who I trust not at all. He seems a fanatic, though they trust him enough to follow his instructions on how to get into the compound. He speaks of a Ragged King. There are many slavers among them as well, but they are weak and beneath the need to converse with, though one looks to have strong hands. Perhaps I will make him massage my shoulders when we are done with this. We go over the wall, led by Lothar, who climbs nimbly up the rope. There are the screams of a man, but they are set on finding the woman and ignore them. We make our way to a chamber and find the Ragged King immediately, savaging a girl. Zoya puts her out of her misery as she fires lightning at the King. He is no mere man -- he has tentacles and an aura about him that causes fear, though it does not bother me. But, I was right about Chamash -- he succumbs easily and runs like a scared child. At least his men stayed.  It was a very lopsided battle as we had little that seemed to pierce the enchantment upon the creature. Severos' axe could hit him, but being so close to the abomination took it's toll. Lothar, Zoya, and Severos were up and down, sometimes wrapped in the creatures foul tentacles. I stayed back, sneaking up to whittle away at the beast. I need better daggers. Mother Ekrimala was stingy to send me out so ill prepared without even much in the way of rations, but that is her way.  We did manage to kill the creature, but at a heavy price. Severos fell and did not get up again. Moggojin, in fact, grabbed up his mighty axe and made the killing blow on the creature, even though it was obvious he was not skilled in such a weapon. We did our best with the body that we could for now, making sure to take anything useful. I did not know him long, but he seemed honourable enough and definitely someone who could hold his drink. I shall toast to his honour when I am able. I did find some treasure hidden behind the creatures throne: an enchanted battle axe, 80 gold, and a silver ring worth, perhaps, 9 silver coins. And, of course, there was the ragged king's black crown. We wrapped it up for safekeeping. I, for one, did not want to let Borak anywhere near it.  We went on, finding an old armoury full of ancient weapons, but none were in a condition to be used without repair. Then Lothar heard more feminine cries and rushed forwards. He is definitely a man who appreciates women, or so it would seem. We followed after, just managing to catch hold of him before he rushed in without heed.  The room before us looked a plague pit of despair. More of the savages like Borak were ravishing some unfortunate women, who had nothing in them but to lament. A fire pit burned brightly and next to it lay what looked like a warrior woman, trussed like a pig. (Session 1: Gained +1 Axes, +1 Healing, Heroic Ability: Fast Footwork; treasure not yet split up)
星期日 continued -- I snuck up behind one of the filthy Ikuna and sliced his throat open before he knew I was even there. The battle went on from there, the Ikuna falling left and right with Chamash's men assisting. We freed the red-headed woman and she immediately jumped into the fray. Everything seemed to be going well until Chamash turned upon me and ordered his men to take me alive, intending to sell me like those cow-eyed women we had rescued. I used my fast footwork to escape them, dodging them one by one, even Chamash. The coward did not even try to face me alone.  Giving up the chase, he ordered his men to steal the treasure. We killed the last of the Ikuna until my dagger was wet with blood and then gave chase to the turncoat slavers. I had not trusted them when I met them and now, now I would kill any I could for daring to lay their filthy hands upon me. Chamash's men split up -- some taking the treasure and the slave girls away and some staying behind to hold us off. We killed all but one, Kalash, though he will rue the day he met us. I made him clean the blood off my boots and I wiped my knife upon him. I warned him; my dagger had tasted his blood and now it knew who he was. He was a slaver no more. Now he was a slave. Darian, the red-haired woman, and Lothar hope to get some sense out of him and track down the traitor Chamash. Him I will not spare. (Session 2: Gained +1 Persuasion, +1 Swords, a scimitar, a rope (from the previous plundering of Severos, just not noted before), 3 bandages, 31 silver and an unwavering hatred for Zadjite slavers)

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星期日 continued -- Zoya healed Darian, which was sorely needed. I searched the room one last time, just in case, and found a short spear. Moggojin took it for his collection. We encountered a couple more Ikuna and killed them handily, and discovered, finally, the source of the screaming. Two men were chained to a wall, one with the eyes of a madman. I recognised Guram Khal, the one who was not screaming...he was a crafty one, and head of a a big clan in Dipur, and the one who was said to have kidnapped Sutrumanah. He told us she was being held to the east in the Seraglio. They had originally been five, his gang, but most had been fed to the Ragged King. Zoya put the screaming one out of his misery and the silence after his continual screaming was blessed. Guram, when prodded, could not confirm who had hired him for the kidnapping, but he suspected it was Roshamma, the high priestess of the Satrap. It made sense, though she was not a good enemy to have. Mother Ekrimala...would she be pleased or peeved with this information? It was hard to say. We brought Guram with us, though we trusted him not. We easily rescued Sutramanah and Jamila from their guard and then went to find the camels that Guram told us were in the stables. Lothar had told us of before of the mute one that had caught his fancy, but when Zoya inspected her, she could see that there was something wrong; she was not mute, but under spells. Powerful ones that held her tongue and enslaved her. We were still discussing how to deal with this when hoofbeats alerted us to someone's approach. Though I did not recognise the finely dressed man, Lothar did, and he immediately rushed to attack him, no matter the man's friendly words. It turned out that he, Azam, was the one who had hired them to rescue Jamila and had claimed she was his love, but this was obviously not so as such spells are not ones you cast upon a loved one. Lothar's anger outpaced him, however, and Azam danced away on his horse.  He was an evasive one, and it wasn't until Zoya was able to restrain his horse with some of her sorcery, that he had to leap down to meet us on level ground. This was my chance. As he faced off against Moggojin, I snuck up behind him using his own horse as cover. Then, my dagger found a home in his throat. He was weaker than I expected and he fell, dead, his blood splashing the ground. Kalash, surely, would know what his fate would be if he crossed me. I hope he was paying attention. I took a good look at Azam then and immediately noticed the black ring he wore as I had seen it before upon Vizier Wo Peng of the Jade Serpent Temple. I cut off Azam's finger to get to it. After we all took a look at it, it would seem to be a soul jar of sorts. Possibly Wo Peng's? If so, it was worth far more than gold. We gave Azam's fine desert robes to Arshaf to make use of, Moggojin took his scimitar, and I his fine dagger and throwing knives. Lothar took his steed; a decent replacement until we can free his war horse from that traitor Chamash. The coin we split among us. After he fell, the spells upon Jamila seemed to fall away and her story came pouring forth. She was definitely more than she seemed and needed to be returned to Dipur. But, there was the matter of Chamash and what he had stolen right from under our noses. (Session 3: Gained +1 Knives, +1 Swords, +1 Riding, +1 Spot Hidden, 6 Masterwork Throwing Knives, 1 Masterwork Dagger, 22 gp, 6sp, 11 cp, Ring of Xhankor Mu, reunited with my horse,  Xùnsù and strapped an extra scimitar to the saddle. Group gained 6 camels. )

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星期日 continued -- Zoya stayed with the camels, Arshaf, and the "girls" while Lother, Darian, Moggojin and I went after Chamash on the fast horses. But before I left, I gave Zoya the throwing knives from Azam so she would have a ranged weapon if needs be. Our horses caught up with the Zadjite traitors handily and Lothar called upon his horse to come to him. It was all Chamash could do to control him. We fought them and when I hit one of the slavers a good blow and told him that "Kalash still lived and if he knew what was good for him, he would lay down his weapon and surrender." This seemed to anger Chamash, who charged after me. It disheartened me a bit as he almost hit, but I managed to evade his blow by rolling off my horse and onto the soft sand below. Sadly, it was Darian who managed to fell that foul traitor -- but, no matter who had struck the killing blow, I was glad to see Chamash fall.  Even Borak, who I admit I had not trusted before, helped us. Of course, it made sense that the Ikuna had no love for the Zadjite slavers. As Lothar and I looted the bodies of those that had fallen, and counted up what was on the camels (a thankless job, certainly, but one that must be done), Darian and Moggjin chased after the few Zadjites that had run after Chamash had fallen. I gave my new slave, Zaraster, the choice of serving me or my friend Zoya, the sorceress, and he chose me...though if he displeases me I shall give him to her. I made him tend to Borak, who had helped us in the battle, Ikuna or no. On Chamash we found 30 gp, 57 sp, a fine scimitar of Zadjite steel, Ring mail Hauberk with bracers (Studded Leather), a Spired Helmet, a cudgel, a shortbow, and 20 arrows. The camels held, most thankfully, 40 rations (8 rations each). As I had only one upon me, it was most welcome news. After some time, Darian and Moggojin came back, though they had not killed all that had fled. They had managed to collect some more camels, 52 sp, 4 shortbows, and 41 arrows. I believe Moggojin took anything no one else claimed. Also upon the camels, we found the two tablets from the ruins and Zoya was able to see that they held the knowledge of some powerful spells: summon demon, bind demon, dispel magic, banish, and purge. We exchanged a look; I am sure she felt as I did. Here was power.  We also found some more coin: 10 gp, 40 sp, 30 gp, 15 sp, and 6 cp and a lone sapphire worth 15 gp. The only interesting thing among the lot was an ancient apothecary bottle that held a potion that at first appeared to be one of healing...but Zoya saw that it was, indeed, a poison. This is a treacherous land, indeed. Oh, and I took the 10 sp from Zaraster as well. It is not fitting for a slave to carry money, at least not until they have proven themselves.  I asked Jamila and Sutramanah and the other girls, whatever those weaklings might be called, if they required any more clothing and told Kalash and Zaraster to take care of it, even if they had to remove their own clothes to do so. Certainly they could do without their masks, at the very least, if those weak women required any further covering. But, it is hot, and certainly their choice as to whether they cover up or not. It is between them and their gods. (Session 4: Gained +1 Swords, Stretch rest and back to full HP and WP,  17 gp, 32 sp, 3 cp, Loaded any extra items upon the camels, 8 rations)

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We took a short time to rest and gather our breath. Zaraster was in sore need of it; though it was his own fault for coming against us. I can only hope he has learned his lesson.  We rode for most of the day, hoping to catch up with the caravan and Lothar's employer, Haram Baal. I had heard the name before; a rich man and a good one to keep on our side. Arshaf had just said we must almost be there when we caught sight of vultures circling. It was a scene of carnage. Dead camels, dead men. Who would be so wasteful? Perfectly good animals that could have been sold or at least made into stew.  Lothar found a man staked to the ground, barely alive. He was, apparently, Captain Kilij Arshak and the captain of the escort patrol. We freed him and healed him as best we were able. He mumbled something about the Al Jafari being too many and some old man among them screaming for his grand daughter and the head of Azam. Well, the grand daughter we had and Azam had already been dealt with by my dagger. The Captain asked for help to get back to Dipur and said that Haram Baal may still be alive, as the Al Jafari had taken him to the north.  We found some things to be of use, and here at least the slaves were useful as I did not have to dig amongst the bodies myself -- a silver ring (7 sp) was found by Lothar and 6 gold discovered by Kalash. Lothar was able to make some use of the dead camels, gaining us 10 rations and they were sore needed. All of these mouths took much to feed, but it was not as if we could let the girls starve. Two days later, we caught up to the Al Jafari at the Yirlat Oasis. Jamila said she will talk to them and hopefully calm her grandfather down. The Muleh listened to her and waved his men off.  Haram Baal was still alive, but all had been taken from him. I thought it might be wise to play on his sympathies and Jamila's affection for Lothar, so I told him how Lother cut down Azam single-handedly, though it was my dagger who killed him. He embraced Lothar and was pleased and the Muleh did release Haram Baal, though giving him nothing back. I hope the man did not lose too much or else it will be hard for him to reward us. At least they gave us rations enough to make it back to Dipur and an escort of 20. Jamila declared she would never forget Lothar, so I suppose he will become a story she tells one day to her children. And--the siege upon the oasis was lifted, for which I am sure many would be glad. Before we left, I took a much needed bath and put Kalash and Zaraster to good use in washing the sand from my back and hair. Meanwhile, Lothar went to visit a girl named Aygala or something of the sort and, by the time I was out of the bath, a marriage had been arranged. The man does work fast, though I gather he had met her before. I did not look to see what the girls he had rescued thought of that. The wedding was to be in 30 days and her father was most pleased. The Captain gave us a letter to give to his father -- as reward for saving him, we were to have his weight in gold! If I had known, I would have ordered my slaves to bake some heavy cake or scrounge up some ale and fatten him up like a lamb for slaughter. But, no matter. Given the state of our pockets, it was well we had not left him to be eaten by the vultures. We returned to Dipur and Haram Baal was as good as his word. He paid a princely sum of 2500 gold and then Lord Arshak added 900 to that. Princess Alana promoted Lothar to Lieutenant, which would help with his marriage. For my part, I returned Sutramunah to Mother Ekrimala and received 250 gold for the trouble. We pooled our money, realising we could afford something decent in this city if we did, and bought a villa for 3000 gold. It pained me to see so much go at once, but it is a nice place and befitting us, with room for slaves and girls aplenty. Borak agreed to stay on as cook, though I shall have to warn him privately what shall become of him if I find a finger in a dish. We sold the camels and bronze as well, though I shall have to work on my bartering skills. The merchant got the best of me, though, to be fair, no one else wanted to do it and it was left to me. I made a few purchases with my newfound wealth. While the villa was being made ready, we heard that a warrant had been issued for Rashamma with a reward of 100 gold for her capture. She was hiding, so they said, in the Black Pits. A boy called Zarais was said to be one who could guide us.  We found him at a tavern and I bought him a drink. He said he would escort us for 10 gp, which seemed steep, but we were in a hurry. But, later, Darian "convinced" him to knock the price down to 5 gp.  He led us to what had once been a garden, but was now overgrown. Thorny vines, a rotten door. The boy scarpered. Darian took a torch and in we went. We heard skittering sounds almost immediately. It was a foul place, with giant rat tracks everywhere. Lothar led us the way that seemed the least infested and Moggojin spotted footprints in the dust. Wolf Brother was the first to spot the spiderwebs. A giant spider launched itself at Lothar.  It was a ferocious beast and my sling seemed to be faulty; I could not have hit the side of a palace if I tried. But, we finally prevailed, feeling much the worse for wear. We limped on, finding some more humanoid tracks. I was both angry and disheartened by this time and we found we could not even rest. A Dark Wraith came upon us. But then -- we found the priestess! And the Oni she had called to protect her. He was a fine creature and strong. I tried to sway him to our side, but I had not been able to grasp enough of the tablets that Zoya and I had looked over. I do think he did not want to follow her, though, so I have hope for the future. She even cast fireball upon us and we had to move quickly, but, in the end, we prevailed and hauled her out of there after dispatching the oni. We found a potion of willpower , and a charged staff that was near depleted, as well as a silver necklace (40 sp), brooch (45 sp). Her taste was surprisingly cheap.  We were awarded the 100 gp upon our return and Mother Ekrimala looked pleased indeed.  I have not told her about the ring of Wo Peng, but I am hoping to see what more I can discover about it and perhaps turn it to my advantage. (Session 5: share in a villa in Dipur, 156 gp each beyond that, -1 gp for guide to the Black Pits, -1 sp for drink for guide, desert robes (-8 sp), backpack (-2 gp), Advanced Lockpicks (-20 gp), a healing potion (-50 gp), 8 rations, +20 gp (reward for priestess), Gained +1 Bartering, +1 Languages, +1 Evade, +1 Swords, +1 Riding)