Hi there GM's! I am a heavy roleplay player looking for a home and I have a problem... That problem is that I am PICKY... Actually I have two problems. I am PICKY and I can't find a GAME! Those two things are related. The truth is I have interviewed for a great many games since the last one I played in wrapped up and none of them have really been what I am looking for/a good fit. I look for a game that the GM seems to care about, a setting that they are passionate for and with a desire to make epic tales with the party they guide through their world. I seek diverse parties out of game, I've been playing TTRPG's for over 15 years and I have found I have more fun at tables with a diverse background rather than all of us just being middle aged white guys with beards. Honestly I debated putting up this thread because I have had unfortunate history with Pay to Play games in the past, mostly the fact that the GM's I have played with seemed to view their games as an assembly line and were not interested in a good game but rather in filling as many seats in as many games as possible and not caring if the parties were a good match at all. I get it. Some people are trying to earn a living here and that's fine for a lot of players... But not me. As such I want to throw this out there. Are you a GM? Are you looking for some extra cash and have an open spot in your homebrew world? Reach out to me. I am willing to shell out for your time. Hell I am willing to play for a WHOLE party if I can get what I am looking for. Anyway. This is a ramble. ::NOTE:: Please don't reach out to me with a module. Even if you think you've changed the module a lot I have either read it or played it and that's no fun for me.