Looking for 1 more Player to join a party of 4 about to delve into the Dungeon of the Mad Mage! The party is an Artificer, Paladin, Ranger, Wizard so far. -Starts at level 5 -Standard Array and 1 free feat. -Sessions are every Saturday 7pm EST. -Sessions will be held on Roll20 and on Discord. -Homebrew is allowed! (Discussed with the GM). -Payment is through Paypal at 10$ per session. Add me on Discord! My username is: birbist or send me your Discord tag and I'll send you a request! Game Link will be sent through Discord. Game Listing: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/373082/dungeon-of-the-mad-mage-saturday-7pm-est" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/373082/dungeon-of-the-mad-mage-saturday-7pm-est</a> This
game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of 10$ per game.
Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot
enforce any private arrangements.