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A hotkey to bring players to the map the GM is currently on ?

Hello, My problem is quite simple : I have way too many map, and dragging the red ribbon up to a certain map is extremly painful and often let my player see some maps that they shouldn't be seeing. Is there a hotkey to bring them directly to the map where I want them to be ? I've been searching all over, but couldn't find the solution anywhere. Sorry if it's a dumb question.  Best regards, Montecristo
Forum Champion
Hi Montecristo, There is no hotkey. However, I suggest you archive some maps until you need them, that way there isn't so many. At least until the Devs release the upcoming map folders update. 

Edited 1690712425
It's a pity. They should really make one, that would be extremly useful. Thanks for your reply.
Montecristo said: I have way too many map, and dragging the red ribbon up to a certain map is extremly painful and often let my player see some maps that they shouldn't be seeing. There is another workaround in addition to the  archive  option mentioned by Gauss. If you routinely accidentally drop the player ribbon onto an intermediate page when trying to move the players between pages that are a long distance from each other, do the  following: Create, in advance, a small "elevator" page with some simple "please stand by" content. Then, when you need to move the player ribbon a long distance, instead of dragging the player ribbon, move the "elevator" page next to the page the players are on. Move the player ribbon  from the current page  to the adjacent "elevator" page. Drag the "elevator" page next to the destination page. If you accidentally  drop the "elevator" page during the move the players won't see any maps that the shouldn't because the player ribbon hasn't changed pages — it is still on the "elevator" page. Move the player ribbon from the "elevator" page to the adjacent destination page.
An even easier work around is to move the maps you think you will use in that session up next to the landing page. After using the map page, you can move it back or archive it.  If they turn left and go to a different map at the bottom layer of your map menu, then drag that map up close to the map where the party is currently located.
Thanks Richard, I think that I'll try your solution. Thanks everyone for your advices. :)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
If you don't mind an API solution, there's a little snippet that will gather the party to the page the GM is on: !gather-party Script: on('ready',()=>{ const getPageForPlayer = (playerid) => { let player = getObj('player',playerid); if(playerIsGM(playerid)){ return player.get('lastpage') || Campaign().get('playerpageid'); } let psp = Campaign().get('playerspecificpages'); if(psp[playerid]){ return psp[playerid]; } return Campaign().get('playerpageid'); }; on('chat:message',msg=>{ if('api'===msg.type && /^!gather-party(\b\s|$)/i.test(msg.content) && playerIsGM(msg.playerid)){ const who = (getObj('player',msg.playerid)||{get:()=>'API'}).get('_displayname'); const pid = getPageForPlayer(msg.playerid); const page = getObj('page',pid); Campaign().set({ playerspecificpages: false, playerpageid: pid }); sendChat('',`/w "${who}" <div>Players gathered to page: <code>${page.get('name')||"[Untitled]"}</code></div>`); } }); });
Hi Aaron (The Aaron?) I realise as a Plus sub I can't use that, I haven't gone Pro because I can't really see much use for APis at our table, but that is a beautiful thing.  Does it scoop the little darlings up and move them to the GM page, or does it place copies of them on the new page?  I ask because that is almost worth the u/grade if it effectively cut n pastes instead of copy n paste.  I get so bored going back and cleaning up
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
This just pulls all players to the ribbon and puts the ribbon on the page the GM is on.  The API couldn't 100% create tokens for players on a new page (because it can't create marketplace assets, only ones in user libraries), and it wouldn't know where to put them.  That said, if you wanted a script that would remove player tokens on other pages when you pasted them on a new page, it could do that.  (I'd probably set it up so you could mark tokens you did not want removed with a status marker or something, but that's just details).
Hi Aaron Now I've calmed down a bit I can see why that would be difficult.  I'm blaming GM fatigue after finally finishing Ch3 of BGDIA.  ; )   OK, am still going to give Pro a rethink as transmogrifier alone seems very handy (even though I use VTTES for export to JSON, transmogrifier still seems a better solution).