I attempted to make a sheet before I decided to ask someone for it and I was guided here!
I am looking for a character sheet to be made from the Dark Souls RPG.
I know genuinely I can just use the D&D 5e sheet, but it isn't a D&D 5e game. I was hoping someone would be willing to help me out, I am horrible a coding and I tried for a good few weeks - I also couldn't find a sheet either.
A little backstory of why I want the sheet. I have a few friends I've kept throughout the years and we all love tabletop games, but due to our distance in our lives, we only play on roll20 now. I might not have the book online and often have to read it out to them, but I do want them to at least experience the sheet. I want it to feel like a different game, which it is, and not be concerned or be drawn back into the D&D set because the sheet we normally use is for D&D games.
From what I understand about the game, it is based on D&D 5e. There a few little things that are neat to the system such as the position change (which is an odd form of HP). The modifiers are all the same too. (If anyone is interested, I can offer the pdf of my book to for anyone wanting to test it and then get their own version.)
There will be a sheet image below. But here is a dropbox link to the PDF (LINK).