Hey Fam, Weird one I haven't had happen before. I just started a dragonlance game w/ the module. Another person will be dm'ing. I created a character and set up character sheet and token. Oddly it seems to be adding a status effect for some reason i can't figure out. I did mostly use drag n drop for all the things. Including race and class. It's only doing it on my character, regardless of what token I use. I've drug out several other tokens and it's just this one that's affected thus far. I've done normal stuff like clear cache / cookies, updated the game, tried in different browsers in and out of private / incognito. I do have the paladin aura api turned on, but I tested with another character sheet and no issue. I tried clicking off the bolt-shield icon and no luck. It stays highlighted. I restarted sandbox. I disabled / re-enabled the api's. Anyone see this before? Workaround seems to be creating a new toon from scratch, but seems super annoying. :(