Hello Roll20 Dev team!!! I know you are probably thinking about what features to add/change and how to do it for the next update, and since you have said the next major update would likely focus on usability improvements I decided to compile a bunch of the frequently requested features along that theme into 1 thread and make pictures of how I think they should look. I will also add a few of my own, and make some suggestions for (hopefully) simple changes that I think make more sense than the way things are now. 1: To start us off we have the chat pane. Most of this works incredibly well, is very simple, doesn't need much work. The only major change I think needs to be made,(and I think would cover something that is frequently requested) is the speaking as box. Can we get a @{selected option for it? I frequently see people asking for something equivalent to the /emas for players, but if it is a token they control, why not use the @{selected} function in that box instead? If you don't have a character selected, it just defaults to your name. Of course you would want to keep the other options there too, but would this be so hard?(I really don't know) 2: Next we have the art pane. Oh how it needs work.... The changes are summarized nicely in the picture, but in case anyone might miss what they are: A: Ability to search for multiple types of assets at the same time(ie. for tokens and portraits) B: an option to bring up your list of tags, in case you forgot what you tagged the item in your library as and C: the search always stays at the top. While we are adding the option to bring up the list of tags you have used, lets add it to the tagging dialog box inside the library window (D). 3: Next is the library window itself. Oh how I hate it. I refer you back to my earlier thread about tag vs folder pain points( <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/832545/the-pain" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/832545/the-pain</a>... ), and leave you with a picture of my suggested upgrades. 4: On to the Jukebox pane. Since this is the only place in roll20 where you can play music, wouldn't it make sense to have the master music volume control on this pane instead of the settings pane? 5: And now we come to the decks and tables pane. A: I think macros should be moved to this pane. Sure they work fine where they are, but they don't really seem to fit as a settings kind of item, and I figure it makes more sense to put them here than any of the other panes. B: I also think that the deck size option should be moved under the deck heading on this pane, and possibly under the specific deck it controls, since I saw someone asking about having different sized decks in the same campaign. 6: Rollable tables? They are awesome. But if a player wants to have a table with 100 random attack emotes to call in his macros, the GM has to set it up for him. Sad GM. Lets give players the option to have their own rollable tables too, and maybe share the ability to edit with others? 7: We are all the way to the settings pane now! And it's looking good without all the stuff we moved to other panes. Now the question is does it make sense to have some campaign settings inside the editor, and different campaign settings outside? I really am not sure. But logging out, and rejoin as player/gm? These tried and true features should be promoted above the experimental features section. 8: Characters and tokens... I see an awful lot of requests in the forums to break up the controlled by, and edited by options, so lets do that. If only it were as simple to code as to edit the photos...If you have control of the sheet, you can make rolls and such, but you cannot edit any of the attributes. I have some vague notion that maybe you could do this by applying css to disable any inputs, but I'm really not sure. 9: Ok, this still has to do with character sheets. Does it really make sense to still have the attributes section show in a game using a character sheet? I know you have said the character sheets are a presentation layer for the attributes and abilities system, so obviously you cannot just delete them, but do they need to be shown? Couldn't we use this space better by making all the roll buttons on the sheet automatically transfer over to the abilities tab as sheet abilities that you can't edit, but you can select to show in the macro bar or as a token action? The right side would stay the player created abilities like it is now. 10: And this one still has to do with tokens. At least a little. Dynamic lighting is awesome, but it would be nice to have more options as far as how to use it. I am guessing based on what little I know about how the system works that these would be the hardest to implement, and take the most resources, but WE WANT SO BAD! A: A way to tint the light different colors would be cool. Sure you can use an aura, but that doesn't fade out like light does. You just end up with a hard transition from regular looking floor to colored floor as you approach the light. B: A decent system for implementing darkvision. Thank you for reading! I love roll20!