I'm trying out the mods/scripts available to Pros for the first time. I started with TurnMarker1. It works well, but the image doesn't fit a Star Wars game very well. So I want to replace it. I downloaded the code from GitHub. <a href="https://github.com/shdwjk/Roll20API/blob/master/TurnMarker1/TurnMarker1.js" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/shdwjk/Roll20API/blob/master/TurnMarker1/TurnMarker1.js</a> I uploaded the image and got the URL by using Inspect in the library. <a href="https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/357300230/LS3tzvnMSB4SPUa8G24Wyg/thumb.png" rel="nofollow">https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/357300230/LS3tzvnMSB4SPUa8G24Wyg/thumb.png</a> I replaced tokenURL on line 65. I saw on forum posts that I would need to update schemaVersion in a couple of different places. I only found it in one place, on line 15. When I try to change that to anything else, I start getting error messages that say that the script is disabled. Any suggestions for how to get this working?